
Description of Steema's WebServer Runtime License

Web server runtime licenses

A TeeChart Web Server license is required for each web server serving a Control that publishes access to Chart properties (or properties derived thereof). We recognise that there may be some technical advantages to using a compiled ISAPI DLL, or similar, or an ActiveX Control housing the TeeChart Control serverside to serve a web based browser clientbase. For this specific use of TeeChart we treat the compiled Control, only when housed as Server based process for a browser clientbase, as only eligible for 1 Web Server runtime license per server. See the section 'Applied Web browser scenario' for a proviso of use. Web Server licenses are available as a separate product to the Developer license, available to licensees of at least one registered Developer license.


  • Assumes ownership of at least 1 developer license by licensee
  • Licensing applies to web server installations of the licensee's application only
  • Requires one license per web server housing the licensee's application
  • Intended that development of scripting of the TeeChart module is restricted to the bounds of the licensee's application
  • The TeeChart Control may be made available (ie. as codebase) for distribution to unlimited client browsers
  • Clients (ie. browser locations) or servers where Charting code is on-developed should own a developer license
  • No TeeChart source code may reside on the server licensed with the Web Server license

Any questions

Please email us with any special questions you may have at