Problems with series in a for/next structure

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Problems with series in a for/next structure

Post by Rookie_SP » Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:18 pm

A couple of probably stupid questions with obvious answers but... sorry guys, not for me. Can anybody help me?

I need to create and delete series in run time with a number of them dynamically changing with the results of some calculations in VB.NET but I am having problems. My idea was using a for/next structure but something does not work. How can I create am array or collection of seriex with an index? Same to delete themand referto them by that index.

I am trying to change as well the format of all the series in a chart using a For/next structure in Vb.NET but although one by one referring to the name I have no problem using something like: "Polar1.Pointer.Visible = False" series by series I seem unable to find how to do it referign to the each series with an index. Any ideas?


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Post by Christopher » Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:07 pm

Hi ..
I need to create and delete series in run time with a number of them dynamically changing with the results of some calculations in VB.NET but I am having problems. My idea was using a for/next structure but something does not work. How can I create am array or collection of seriex with an index? Same to delete themand referto them by that index.

TChart1.Series.Add(New Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line)
I am trying to change as well the format of all the series in a chart using a For/next structure in Vb.NET but although one by one referring to the name I have no problem using something like: "Polar1.Pointer.Visible = False" series by series I seem unable to find how to do it referign to the each series with an index. Any ideas?

For Each s As Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Series In TChart1.Series
Thank you!

Christopher Ireland (Steema crew)
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Post by Rookie_SP » Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:06 pm

Thanks Chris, that solves one of the problems since I can deal with the series collection with a variable number of elements.

My next (maybe trivial but not for me) problem is asigning different properties to the series depending on the index of that element in the collection.

Series3D1.LinePen.Color = Color.Black
Series3D1.Pointer.visible= true

Work just fine but how do I make it work JUST for some known series from the whole collection that I can refer through its position?

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Post by Pep » Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:46 am

Hi Rokie,
Work just fine but how do I make it work JUST for some known series from the whole collection that I can refer through its position?
You can use :
TChart1(position).ColorEach = True

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Post by Rookie_SP » Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:28 pm

Sure Pep

TChart1.Series(position).ColorEach = True

works too and so I do in some cases but some other properties do not seem to be accesible that way so:

seriestitle.LinePen.Color = Color.Black
seriestitle.Pointer.Visible = false

where seriestitle is the name of the series works BUT:

Tchart1.series(position).LinePen.Color = Color.Black
Tchart1.series(position).Pointer.Visible = false

does not since I can not access the LinePen and Pointer properties that way.

So... that is my problem to make my runtime series creation and formatting fully automatic.

There has to be a pretty simple answer but I do not seem to be enough "object oriented" to see it.

Heeelp!! :?

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Post by Pep » Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:00 pm


in that case you should use similar code to the following :

(tChart1.Series[position] as Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Line).Pointer.Visible = true;

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Post by Rookie_SP » Wed Jun 30, 2004 10:37 am

Well, from the next code

For position = 0 To 10
Tchart1.Series.Add(New Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points3D)
Tchart1.Series(position).Title = "Series3D" & CStr(position)
Tchart1.Series(position).ColorEach = True
(Tchart1.Series(position) as Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points3D ).pointer.visible=true
Next position

All works except

(Tchart1.Series(position) as Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points3D ).pointer.visible=true

That gives a sintax error. It does not seem to accept the "as Steema.TeeChart......"

8O :?:

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Post by Pep » Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:41 am


yes, because this code is to be used unde C#, in VB you must do :

Code: Select all

        For position = 0 To 10
            TChart1.Series.Add(New Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points3D)
            TChart1.Series(position).Title = "Series3D" & CStr(position)
            TChart1.Series(position).ColorEach = True
            CType(TChart1.Series(position), Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points3D).Pointer.Visible = True
        Next position

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Post by Rookie_SP » Wed Jun 30, 2004 12:13 pm

Thanks Pep

That solves all my problems and makes me a happy man today!

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Post by Pep » Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:32 pm

ok, I'm glad to hear this.. :wink:

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