Creating series at runtime

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Torben Laursen
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Sep 10, 2004 4:00 am

Creating series at runtime

Post by Torben Laursen » Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:13 pm


I have updated from version 6 to version 7 for c++ builder 6 and now my code gives me AV's

example: create a serie at runtime and set Pointer->Visible to false:

TPoint3DSeries *Serie = new TPoint3DSeries(Chart);
Serie->Pointer->Visible = false; /// <- this line give me an AV
Serie->YValues->Order = loNone; ///<- and this one

and so on.
But as I can tell this code should run without any problems, so can
anyone please tell me what I'm duing wrong.

Thanks Torben

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Post by Marjan » Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:22 pm

Hi, Torben.

The code looks fine to me and I was also able to run in on my machine here. I suspect the problem is your BCB project is still referencing old bpi/lib/obj files. There are several topics in this forum about "old files" problem. Just type the keywords "bpi old" at forum search form and check the results.
Marjan Slatinek,

Torben Laursen
Posts: 4
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Post by Torben Laursen » Fri Sep 10, 2004 1:55 pm

Hi Marjan

Yes a search and kill did the job, but that has just given me a new problem
I have a custom chart derived from TChart:
*.h file
class PACKAGE TEChart : public TChart
*.cpp file
static inline void ValidCtrCheck(TEChart *)
new TEChart(NULL);
__fastcall TEChart::TEChart(TComponent* Owner)
: TChart(Owner)
namespace Echart
void __fastcall PACKAGE Register()
TComponentClass classes[1] = {__classid(TEChart)};
RegisterComponents("EqPack", classes, 0);

But when I try to compile it I get these errors:
[C++ Error] EChart.cpp(16): E2352 Cannot create instance of abstract class 'TEChart'
[C++ Error] EChart.cpp(16): E2353 Class 'TEChart' is abstract because of '_fastcall TCustomAxisPanel::IsFreeSeriesColor(TColor,bool,TChartSeries *) = 0'

I also have a component derived from TTeeCommander:
*.h file
#include "TeeComma.hpp"
class PACKAGE TETeecommander : public TTeeCommander
void __fastcall B_Load_Click(TObject *Sender);
*.cpp file
Where I add 1 buttom of my own:
B_Load_ = this->CreateButton(310, B_Load_Click, "Open", "", 0);

That gives me the error:
[C++ Error] ETeecommander.cpp(27): E2285 Could not find a match for 'TCustomTeeCommander::CreateButton(int,void,char *,char *,int)'

As far as I can tell CreateButton is defined in TeeComma.hpp

Thanks Torben

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Post by Pep » Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:56 am

Hi Torben,

see the answer of my colleague Marjan here

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