Cursor Crosshair implemented backwards!

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Cursor Crosshair implemented backwards!

Post by Rossmc » Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:21 am


Am using the teeCursor tool as follows:
.Tools.Add tcCursor
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.FollowMouse = True
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Snap = True
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Style = cssBoth
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Series = 0
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Width = 1
.Tools.Items(0).asTeeCursor.Pen.Color = &H80FF&

I think it is working as intended, however there is a problem. It works backwards! The HORIZONTAL line follows the mouse and the VERTICAL line snaps to the closest point on that horizontal. I need the VERTICAL line to follow mouse and the HORIZONTAL line to snap to closest point on that vertical. Can this be done without loads of additional coding?

As ever thanks for your time.

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Post by Narcís » Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:34 am

Hi Rossmc,

You have two options:

1) If you are using Line series you can use Horizontal Line series and then the behaviour is just the opposite to what you report as the tool snaps to the Y values.

2) Adding two tools, one with .asTeeCursor.Style as horizontal and one with.asTeeCursor.Style as vertical and set them both to snap. This way both tools snap to their perpendicular axis values.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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RE: Cursor Crosshair implemented backwards!

Post by Rossmc » Fri Jan 28, 2005 9:58 am

Hi Narcis

Neither of these work for me.

1) I need it to be a crosshair so option 1 is out.
2) I want the horizontal cursor to move to the point where the vertical cursor crosses the series and not to follow-mouse.

Hope the above makes sense? That's what I tried to imply before. If I add a cssBoth cursor I get exactly the functionality I am looking for but the lines are 'switched'. I want the vertical line to follow the mouse, and the horizontal line to snap to the point where the vertical line crosses the series.

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Post by Pep » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:27 am


you can use similar code like in the folloiwng example :

Code: Select all

Dim CrossActive As Boolean
Dim MouseXCursorPos, MouseYCursorPos As Double
Private Sub Form_Load()
  CrossActive = True
  With TChart1.Series(0)
   ' remove previous existing points from the Series
   ' Fill sample values
   .FillSampleValues 20
  End With
  TChart1.Panel.MarginRight = 18
  TChart1.Panel.MarginBottom = 12
  TChart1.Legend.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub tChart1_OnAfterDraw()
  Dim XCursorPos, YCursorPos, XDifUp, XDifDown, YDifUp, YDifDown, XDifin, YDifin, XDifout, YDifout As Double
  Dim XIndex, YIndex, OutYIndex, OutXIndex, i As Integer
 With TChart1
  If .SeriesCount > 0 Then
   For i = 0 To .SeriesCount - 1
    If (.Series(i).VerticalAxis = aRightAxis) And (.Series(i).Count > 0) Then
       .Canvas.Font.Color = .Series(i).PointColor(0)
       .Canvas.TextOut .Axis.Right.Position + 10, _
             .Series(i).CalcYPos(0) - (.Canvas.TextHeight("t") / 2), _
             "x=" & Str$(.Series(i).YValues.First)
    End If
   Next i
  End If
 End With
  If CrossActive = True Then   
   With TChart1
    If (MouseXCursorPos < .Axis.Right.Position) And (MouseXCursorPos > .Axis.Left.Position) And _
       (MouseYCursorPos < .Axis.Bottom.Position) And (MouseYCursorPos > .Axis.Top.Position) Then
     With .Series(0)
      For i = 0 To .Count - 1
        'differences to nearest points
          XDifUp = .CalcXPos(i) - MouseXCursorPos
            If XDifUp < 0 Then XDifUp = XDifUp * -1
          If i > 0 Then
            XDifDown = MouseXCursorPos - .CalcXPos(i - 1)
              If XDifDown < 0 Then XDifDown = XDifDown * -1
            XDifDown = XDifUp + 1
              If XDifDown < 0 Then XDifDown = XDifDown * -1
          End If
          YDifUp = MouseYCursorPos - .CalcYPos(i)
            If YDifUp < 1 Then YDifUp = YDifUp * -1
          If i > 0 Then
            YDifDown = .CalcYPos(i - 1) - MouseYCursorPos
              If YDifDown < 0 Then YDifDown = YDifDown * -1
            YDifDown = YDifUp + 1
              If YDifDown < 0 Then YDifDown = YDifDown * -1
          End If
          If (XDifUp + YDifUp) < (XDifDown + YDifDown) Then
            If Closest > (XDifUp + YDifUp) Or (i = 0) Then
              XOutIndex = i
              Closest = XDifUp + YDifUp
            End If
            If Closest > (XDifDown + YDifDown) Or (i = 0) Then
              XOutIndex = i - 1
              Closest = XDifDown + YDifDown
            End If
          End If
      Next i
      XCursorPos = .CalcXPos(XOutIndex)
      YCursorPos = .CalcYPos(XOutIndex)
     End With
     With .Canvas
      .ClipRectangle TChart1.Axis.Left.Position, _
                        TChart1.Axis.Top.Position, _
                        TChart1.Axis.Right.Position, _
      .Pen.Color = vbWhite
      .MoveTo TChart1.Axis.Left.Position, YCursorPos
      .LineTo TChart1.Axis.Right.Position, YCursorPos
      .MoveTo XCursorPos, TChart1.Axis.Top.Position
      .LineTo XCursorPos, TChart1.Axis.Bottom.Position
      .TextOut 10, .Height - 30, "Mouse X: " & Str$(CInt(TChart1.Axis.Bottom.CalcPosPoint(MouseXCursorPos))) & " , Y: " & Str$(CInt(TChart1.Axis.Left.CalcPosPoint(MouseYCursorPos)))
      .TextOut 200, .Height - 30, "Nearest Point X: " & Str$(TChart1.Series(0).XValues.Value(XOutIndex)) & " , Y: " & Str$(TChart1.Series(0).YValues.Value(XOutIndex))
     End With
    End If
   End With
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseMove(ByVal Shift As TeeChart.EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim XCursorPos, YCursorPos As Double
  If TChart1.Series(0).Count > 0 Then
    CrossActive = True
    MouseXCursorPos = X
   MouseYCursorPos = Y
  End If
End Sub

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