TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:43 pm

I'm moving to another chart component as soon as I've got the time to implement it. This is due to the lack of bug fixes. I haven't bothered with TChart x64.

And yes, there are many issues which I've reported, very few have ever been fixed.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by Marc » Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:47 pm

Hello Tony,

Sorry to be losing you! Thanks for the bug reports you've posted over the time you've used TeeChart, they have been helpful and have helped us improve the product though we do understand that the areas we have worked on haven't always coincided most effectively with your requirements. Hopefully we will be addressing most of the points you see as outstanding as we move forward to possibly offer you a window of utility in the future should the requirement arise.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:19 pm

Marc wrote:Thanks for the bug reports you've posted over the time you've used TeeChart, they have been helpful and have helped us improve the product
That's the point I've been trying to make. The product hasn't improved, as none of the bugs ever get fixed!

I'm sick and tired of having to tell my customers "no, I have no idea when it will be fixed". It makes us look bad as a company as there are bugs in our software. But the bugs are not ours, they are in TChart. I've had to change what I say over time, now if one of my customers reports a problem, I say "I'll see if I can create a workaround". I shouldn't have to create workarounds, I would not have to if Steema actually fixed bugs. But I have no choice as bugs/problems are never fixed! If one of my customers says there is a bug, I aim to get a fix to them within a few days as there is a real business need to get a working solution. It has become very clear to me that Steema do not see how critical your components can be to your users.

Steema clearly do not understand the amount of trouble you cause for us developers by not fixing things. We have customers too, and we have to take the complaints when things are not as they should be. Our customers are not going to complain to you, TChart is a part of our software so they complain to us. Your bug fix release schedule (if you even bother to fix them) is by far the worst of any company I have ever dealt with.

I've invested a lot of time with TChart, and I see the only way forward now is to re-invest a huge amount of time in competing product. You have no idea how annoyed that makes me.


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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:22 pm

PS. I first purchased TChart back in 2000. If you would just fix the bugs in a timely manner (instead of not at all), TChart would be a great component.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by Marc » Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:27 am


I offered, earlier on in this thread, to do a full review of the items that you consider important and outstanding. The offer remains on the table. We would require that you send/post us a list of the issues that you see in need of resolution along with any priority that you see applicable. We will then do our best to address as much of the list as possible.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:08 am

All you need to do is view my previous posts.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:03 am

TA05015162 ... 506#p49269

This one is nearly two years old. And still not fixed!

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by Marc » Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:30 am

Hello Tony,

All you need to do is view my previous posts.
Ok, the previous posts have been reviewed. It would have been useful to be able to look at a prioritised list for us to go for but as things stand we'll prioritise going forward based on our findings. Thanks for your last link, that thread is in the review and I'll add a comment about it below.

With respect to your comment
... none of the bugs ever get fixed
that's simply not true and is, in my opinion, unjustified. Look at the review in detail; there are many issues that have been resolved and many new features that have been added. The information is all there in the threads.

Successfully completed threads
------- ... 623#p23623 - TChart and MFC (CArchive specifically) - closed ... 659#p23659 - MSVC++ using LoadFromStream and SaveToStream - closed ... 834#p38834 - Intercepting the "Add" button on TEditor - closed ... 057#p48057 - Point series: Is it possible to join the points with a line? - closed ... 368#p49368 - Series format -> Marks ->Margins query. - closed ... 472#p49472 - missing label in chart - closed ... 498#p49498 - Is it possible to get/calculate the plot area height? - TF02014155 - closed ... 611#p49611 - Problem getting bottom axis min/max/increment. - closed ... 770#p49770 - Bar chart query - closed ... 817#p49817 - Pie series options question. - closed ... 847#p49847 - Different series name and legend entries. - closed ... 949#p49949 - Series format question. - closed ... 950#p49950 - AddBubble question. - closed ... 054#p50054 - Problem : TChart stops responding - closed ... 088#p50088 - Gantt question - closed ... 973#p50973 - TeeChart eval 2010. - closed ... 2&start=30 - Different series name and legend entries. - closed ... 3&start=15 - Series format "panel". - closed TA05015049, TA05015049, TA05015736 and TA05015737 fixed ... 6&start=15 - Strange characters in axis labels. - closed. local issue ... 323#p49323 - CBrush1 query - closed ... 324#p49324 - CustomChartRect and Print Margins - fixed. closed ... 609#p46609 - Series draw order. - closed use Series.Tag ... 625#p46625 - Strange behaviour going from V8.0.0.7 to V8.0.0.8. - closed, TeeChart supports Unicode ... 764#p46764 - Different series name and legend entries. - closed use Series.Tag ... 836#p43836 - Export dialog - closed. No longname support & we do not recommend the renaming of Series' Valuelists. ... 795#p48795 - RemoveSeries Issue - closed - TA05015119 (further mod in next update) ... 133#p49133 - Border editor. - closed ... 188#p39188 - Custom colours (windows default) - closed. New features added over extended period ... =1&t=11555 - Closed - not a bug TA05015157 ... 338#p49338 - bug status review, 7 issues closed, 2 discarded, 1 to do (Stay-on-top-Editor TA05015162) ... 109#p49109 - Series band pen. - closed ... =1&t=13252 - TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures) - closed (fix made available, for publication 18th June 12)

Feature requests - outstanding
------- ... 127#p39127 - TeeEditor question (series types) ... 571#p54571 - Series version of SaveToStream? - studying possible new feature, Series assign ... 734#p56734 - Some settings not saved in TChart 2011 - June 2012, open for evaluation ... 338#p49338 - Stay-on-top-Editor TA05015162

Feature requests - implementation not expected
------- ... 916#p44916 - Re: Panel back image question. ... =1&t=11555 SeriesMarksEditor show full editor at tab page, no change expected - closed TA05015156 ... 037#p51037 - Legend style - closed Feature-request not included TV52015307

Problem reports outstanding
------- ... 327#p49327 - TChart pattern color editor query - TV52015167 - active, Editor Brush back color button ... 983#p49983 - Series Format->Marks->Format question. - TV52015167 ... 3&start=15 - Series format "panel". - Pending: TV52015752, TV52015208


In this thread you state:
any update on TV52015752? I've been waiting nearly two years for this
We are looking at this but have this logged from September 2011, not from two years ago, perhaps there is some root issue from earlier on that we don't have logged as related? Please advise if applicable.

In you last post:
The stay-on-top requirement for dialogues is listed as a feature request and is being looked at.

From our data we have 4 outstanding issues related to your posts, mostly Editor related. Some of them are quite old and we may have lost focus on them over time, they will now be reviewed. The 4 feature requests we have listed are being looked at now for possible inclusion (or not) in product specification.

There may be a thread or two above where your perception of close is different to ours, the question may now be academic but we are happy to work with all feedback that may arrive.

Steema Support

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by TonyVSUK » Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:51 pm ... 770#p49770
You closed for some reason, but the bug still exists. I've still got no idea why the status was changed to "closed", the x axis labels are incorrect. What use is a graph if it is labelled incorrectly? ... =1&t=11555
Reported September 2010. Still not fixed.
In this thread you state:
any update on TV52015752? I've been waiting nearly two years for this
We are looking at this but have this logged from September 2011, not from two years ago, perhaps there is some root issue from earlier on that we don't have logged as related? Please advise if applicable.
Original post was made in July 2010. As I said, nearly two years.
The stay-on-top requirement for dialogues is listed as a feature request and is being looked at.
Feature request? It's a bug! I've had users report that their applications have stopped responding, they haven't, it's just a TChart dialog which has the input focus but is behind the application main window.
It would have been useful to be able to look at a prioritised list for us to go for
Every bug is a priority otherwise I wouldn't be reporting them.

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by Marc » Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:30 am


As a followup to the issue reported to this thread, an update installer has been made available to resolve the debug-assertion issue in VC++.

Release notes may be viewed here:

Download is available via the customer download page:

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Re: TChart2012 problems (debug assert failures).

Post by Marc » Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:45 pm


A status update on issues marked as open, being tracked in this thread:

Now completed for next maintenance release:
TV52015167, TA05015162

Already working correctly when tested in the current production release:
TV52015752, TV52015208, TA05016218

You closed for some reason, but the bug still exists
We consider behaviour correct by design, multiple barSeries scenarios are intended for a different goal, instead of adding 6 Bar Series in this way:

Code: Select all

Private Sub DrawBar()
Dim i As Long

For i = 0 To 5
    TChart1.AddSeries scBar
    TChart1.Series(i).AddXY i, i * 2, "", TChart1.Series(i).Color
Next i
End Sub
please add six points to One Bar Series:

Code: Select all

Private Sub DrawBar()
Dim i As Long

With TChart1
  .AddSeries scBar
  .Series(0).ColorEachPoint = True
  For i = 0 To 5
    .Series(0).AddXY i, i * 2, "", clTeeColor
  Next i
End With
End Sub
Other issues in this thread are still being reviewed for the next update.

Steema Support

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