DataSource question

TeeChart for ActiveX, COM and ASP
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DataSource question

Post by w6p2 » Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:15 am

sqlcommand = "dsn=test;uid=123;pwd=123;sql=select top 24
convert(nchar(5),data_time,6) as data_time from level

test.Series(i).DataSource = sqlcommand
BF1.Series(i).XValues.DateTime = True
BF1.Series(i).XValues.ValueSource = "data_time"

this sql command can't work normally.

but it can be run if i changed this sql command to
dsn=test;uid=123;pwd=123;sql=select top 24 data_time from level

what's the problem?

i can't use the key word " as "

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Post by Marc » Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:56 am


If this is Visual Basic then check that the syntax is ok (line closing with "). It's not clear from the post whether the problem might be this syntactical detail.

I don't think the SQL command format will depend on TeeChart in this case. Are you using a syntax ("as") that works in the native SQL environment or via an ODBC client you are using?

Marc Meumann
Steema Support

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