Adding data to series is very slow

TeeChart VCL for Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero RAD Studio, Delphi and C++ Builder.
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Adding data to series is very slow

Post by Martin » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:33 am

Hi there,

I am using a TFastLineSeries to visualise some sampling data retrieved from a database. Since the amount of data is quite huge (approx. 100000 samples per "page") data older than the displayed period is read from the database and added to the series as the user scrolls back in time.

Now after scrolling a few pages back, adding data to the start of the series becomes very very slow. It can take several minutes(!) to add another 100000 samples to a series already containing 500000 points. Once the data is added the screen update is very fast, so I think it may be related to either memory reallocation or series sorting.

I am using AddXY in a loop; I tried other methods such as AddArray but that only speeded up things by a few milliseconds.

Any suggestions?

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Post by Narcís » Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:06 pm

Hi Martin,

Please find below an article on how to optimize TeeChart performance when using real-time charting.
Real-time charting in TeeChart VCL

Occasionally you want to plot data at the moment it was measured or generated – you want to plot it in real-time. An ideal real-time plotting would mean data would be plotted at the moment it’s generated. Of course this is only idealization – in real life you’ll be looking for methods which will improve plotting speed and thus minimize delay between data being measured and data being plotted. This article discusses several methods you can use to ensure data will be plotted as fast as possible.

Since in real-time charting speed is the name of the game, we’ll try to use different tricks to speed up plotting time. This involves:

choosing best series type,
speeding-up plot drawing time by disabling all fancy features you don’t need in real-time charting,
pre-processing your data,
choosing the best method to populate series with data.

Choose correct series type
You should use TFastLineSeries, TPointSeries, or if you’re plotting histograms, THistogramSeries or TVolumeSeries. The preferred choice, if possible, is TFastLineSeries. This series is missing some “regular” TLineSeries properties, but it’s a lot faster when it comes to drawing simple y=y(x) functions.
Additionally, TFastLineSeries introduces several properties for fast drawing. These include:

The DrawAllPoints boolean property, default value True. Normally chart size is limited to a fixed number of screen pixels. This means that if, for example, you have 1.000.000 points, they will inevitably "share" the same screen pixel coordinate (in horizontal, vertical or both directions). Drawing an algorithm will then plot multiple points with different real x,y coordinates at the same screen coordinate. After multiple calls to drawing the algorithm and waste of cpu time you'll end up with a single painted screen pixel. In this case a reasonable thing to do is group the points with the same x screen pixel coordinate and replace them with two points (group minimum and maximum values). The end result will visually be the same as drawing all the points in the group. But it will be a lot faster, especially if there are lots of points per group. Setting DrawAllPoints to False does precisely that : the internal algorithm processes data and draws only non-repeated (group) points. Using this trick you can plot millions of points in realtime with little fuss.

The FastPen property, default value False. But if you set it to True, fastline series will use solid width=1 pen for drawing. Using this trick works only on Windows 2000, XP and 2003 operating systems.

Series Delete method. The Delete method now includes a second parameter which controls how many points will be deleted from a series. This allows fast delete of multiple points in a single call, which is much faster than deleting multiple points using a loop.

Series AutoRepaint property, default value True, meaning adding new value will result in all values being repainted again. But if you set this property to False, new points will be painted as they are added to a series, without redrawing the whole chart.

Additional speed up can be achieved by setting Series.XValues.Order property to clNone, meaning no internal sorting will be performed on data.
Disable/hide some chart elements
Each element drawn on a chart somewhat increases chart drawing time. So it makes good sense to hide all chart elements you don't need. This includes chart legend, chart title, chart frame. Additionally you might want to manually define chart axis increments and axis ranges and thus avoid internal calculatation algorithms being executed too often. Also, you could use a new TChartAxes.FastCal property introduced in TeeChart v6. Setting this property to True might give you an additional decrease in drawing time. In the example below we'll be setting up a chart for fast realtime drawing. We'll try to include all the properties/methods mentioned above:

// Prepare chart for maximum speed:
with Chart1 do
ClipPoints := False;
Title.Visible := False;
Legend.Visible := False;
BottomAxis.RoundFirstLabel := False;
View3D := False;

// Number of points we'll be displaying
// Number of points deleted when scrolling chart
ScrollPoints := 5000;

// Prepare series.
// Disable AutoRepaint and X Order

// AutoRepaint=False means "real-time" drawing mode.
// Points are displayed just after adding them,
// without redrawing the whole chart.
Series1.AutoRepaint := False;

// Set Ordering to none, to increment speed when adding points
Series1.XValues.Order := loNone;

// Initialize axis scales
// we're assuming left axis values are within [0,1000]

// Speed tips:

// When using only a single thread, disable locking:
Chart1.Canvas.ReferenceCanvas.Pen.OwnerCriticalSection := nil;
Series1.LinePen.OwnerCriticalSection := nil;

// For Windows NT, 2000 and XP only:
// Speed realtime painting with solid pens of width 1.
Series1.FastPen := True;

// Set axis calculations in "fast mode".
// Note: For Windows Me and 98 might produce bad drawings when
// chart zoom is very big.
Chart1.Axes.FastCalc := True;

We've set up the chart and series for fast real-time plotting. Next on our task list is selecting the best method to populate the series with data points.
Populate series with data
The easiest solution is to use the AddXY method to add points to a series. A big advantage of this method is that it's very simple to use. This is the preferred method for adding points if you're plotting at real-time and the number of points shown doesn't exceed a couple of thousand. Together with TChartSeries.Delete method it provides a powerful method to do real-time plotting. The following two routines are used in one of the TeeChart examples to perform real-time scrolling of the chart. First the routine adds new points to the series, second a routine scrolls points as new data is added and deletes old unecessary points:

// Adds a new random point to Series
Procedure RealTimeAdd(Series:TChartSeries);
var XValue,YValue : Double;
if Series.Count=0 then // First random point
// Next random point
// Add new point

// When the chart is filled with points, this procedure
// deletes and scrolls points to the left.
Procedure DoScrollPoints(Series: TChartSeries);
var tmp,tmpMin,tmpMax : Double;
// Delete multiple points with a single call.
// Much faster than deleting points using a loop.


// Scroll horizontal bottom axis
tmp := Series.XValues.Last;

// Scroll vertical left axis
tmpMin := Series.YValues.MinValue;
tmpMax = Series.YValues.MaxValue;


// Do chart repaint after deleting and scrolling

Another way of adding a large number of points is to use direct dynamic arrays. In this case we're bypassing the AddXY method and accessing the Series x,y values directly, and thus avoid AddXY method overhead. Here is the code you can use to populate a series with a large number of points:

Var X,Y : Array of Double; // TChartValues
t : Integer;
Num : Integer;
{ 1M points }
Num:= 1000000;

{ allocate our custom arrays }

{ fill data in our custom arrays }
for t:=1 to Num-1 do

{ set our X array }
With Series1.XValues do
Value:=TChartValues(X); { end;

{ set our Y array }
With Series1.YValues do

{ Show data }

In the example above we first generated some data for the a series and then assigned the data arrays directly to the a series XValues.Value and YValues.Value arrays. Please note that we had to manually define the XValues.Count and YValues.Count properties.
In TeeChart real-time plotting involves selecting the correct series type, setting some series and chart properties and using the appropriate method to populate a series with data. Actual coding might vary with the actual data you're trying to plot, but basic ideas outlined in this article can still be used with good results.

Note: All these features are also demonstrated in the TeeChart VCL demo. Especially, check all items under the "All Features -> Speed" tree node.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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Post by Martin » Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:55 am


Thanks for the article, but I had already implemented most of the suggestions without much performance improvement.

I have looked further into this, and the dramatic performance degrade seem to be related to how AddArray work. AddArray just calls one of the basic Add functions in a loop which first searches for the new position by simply scanning the Item array from the end. Once found the Item array is reallocated and all existing data is shifted one position to make room for the new value.

When dealing with large series this approach becomes very time consuming, especially when data is added to the beginning of the series. In my case the 500000 elements Items array is scanned from top to bottom, reallocated and copied 100000 times – of course that takes a lot of time.

For the time being I have solved my problem by copying the data from the series to a temporary array where the new data is inserted in one go. The series is then cleared and created from the temporary array. This cut time from minutes to seconds which is more acceptable.

Although I solved my problem, I think you should consider optimising Items memory management – it does not quite match the screen update of TFastLineSeries which is blazing fast.

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Post by Narcís » Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:05 am

Hi Martin,
For the time being I have solved my problem by copying the data from the series to a temporary array where the new data is inserted in one go. The series is then cleared and created from the temporary array. This cut time from minutes to seconds which is more acceptable.
This is exactly what the "dynamic array" approach in the article does.
Although I solved my problem, I think you should consider optimising Items memory management – it does not quite match the screen update of TFastLineSeries which is blazing fast.
We are always trying to optimize TeeChart, specially on speed is necessary. However, I've added your request to our wish-list to be considered for future releases.
Best Regards,
Narcís Calvet / Development & Support
Steema Software
Avinguda Montilivi 33, 17003 Girona, Catalonia
Tel: 34 972 218 797
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