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Component connecting TreeView/database

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:07 pm
by 9345502

the connection between BarSeries and a database is a verry good thing in TeeChart.

I use a TreeView for stock names, and for NYSE this are 600 stocks, plus NASDAQ, plus... in my database.
Analogue to your connection BarSeries/Database have I the question: can you develope a component with the connection TreeViev Nodes / database?

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 7:54 am
by David
It is already included in the VCL version of TeeChart.

See the TDBTree control and right-click it at design-time to show the database wizard dialog.

TDBTree is part of TeeChart Pro and it is installed by default at "TeeTree" tab at Delphi / C++ Builder component palette.

A compiled executable demo of TeeTree can be found here: ...

Demos are under "Welcome->TeeTree Components->DBTree" node.

(you need to have the database sample tables that come with Borland "BDE" and Delphi / C++ Builder ides, to be able to run the database tree demos).

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 8:45 am
by 9345502
Thank you David!