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3D Clyinder projection

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 7:06 pm
by 8443014
Back in 2001 I asked if TChart supported in some way the display of 3d data in cylindrical form. At that time the answer was basically NO. (search for "3d Cylinder" in the groups) Perhaps now there is some way to accomplish this. I have a dataset that includes x, theta and z components. It represents x,y and radial distance in a tube. I have successfully created a 3D color contour map with a custom palette that is very impressive. Using the OpenGL component with lighting and shading it really looks sharp.

Now the big question is... How can I get this data "rolled" back up into its original form? (ie A Cylinder). I did manage to use a 3D "Point" chart to display the data in cylindrical formay by converting the points and giving each a color based on my palette. This is very coarse and the "surface" is basically a bunch of points with gaps in between.

It really needs to be just like the 3D "Surface" chart where the space between data points is filled and shaded.

Thanks for any help or suggestions. I can email small samples of each if you would like.


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:03 am
by Tom
Hi Kev,

Please repost your question at the teeChart forum:

TeeChat > VCL forums, not TeeTree > VCL.


Any Takers?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:46 pm
by 9232023


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:47 pm
by 9232023
Oops, Sorry. wrong forum.