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Saving Charts

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:54 am
by 8123652

I'm trying to save my charts with the series on custom axes. The .ten file only allows you to save this as templates ie. if you open up a chart from a .ten file the series no longer is associated to the custom axes. How do you open a .ten file with its series still connected to your custom axes?

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 4:00 pm
by Pep
associated to the custom axes. How do you open a .ten file with its series still connected to your custom axes?
Yes, this information is not saved in the .ten files. I've added this on our defect/wish list to be considered to inclusion in the next maintenance releases.
In menatime the only workaround if to reasign them again once the Chart has been imported.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:59 am
by 8123652
Thanx for your help.
Just one more what you basically saying is that there is no way of saving a .tee file from the tchart .net component, only .ten files?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 10:41 am
by Pep
Just one more what you basically saying is that there is no way of saving a .tee file from the tchart .net component, only .ten files?
Yes, the .tee fies aren't compatibles with the TeeChart for Net components.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 11:10 am
by Chris
Hi --
associated to the custom axes. How do you open a .ten file with its series still connected to your custom axes?
OK, I've been able to reproduce this one here and have incorporated a fix to it in the next maintenance release, which will be due out shortly.

Nexy Release

Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 8:50 am
by 8123652

When will the next version be released? We need to know so we can plan ahead.
Also will it store mutiple custom axes for mutiple series on one chart?


Posted: Mon May 17, 2004 2:03 pm
by Chris
Hi --
When will the next version be released? We need to know so we can plan ahead.
Also will it store mutiple custom axes for mutiple series on one chart?
The version will be released before the end of next month.

Yes, it will store multiple axes for multiple series.