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Zoom Pen and Brush

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 11:31 am
by 8123706
I can't customize the look of the zoom rectangle the way i want.
The Zoom.Pen.Width property is absolutely ignored bt the TeeChart.
The Zoom.Pen.Color has strange behaviours. I cannot get the color I want.
I'd like a solid line but the Zoom.Pen.Style works only if by any chance I get the pen of a color that cover the underlying black dashed line.

The Zoom.Brush.Color has very strange behaviours too and works only if the pen color is set, otherwise is ignored.
If both pen color and brush color are set, only the brush color (not the one I set anyway) displays.

Transparency is ignored for both pen and brush

I think I'm missing something big...

So, what's the right way to have a zoom rectangle with a thick dark blur border filled with a light blue semitrasparent interior?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:13 am
by Pep

yes, you're correct, it's a bug. A fix to this problem will be included into the next update, due out very shortly.