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ColorMember works ALMOST for all points in a serie

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:02 pm
by 8122923
I'm using ColorMember method with ASP.NET.

Almost all the points (28 on 32) receive the correct color property specifie in a DataTable. But the series show 4 points with random Color.

When I look into my dataSet at execution I see "Color [Blue]" but it show a Yellow, Gray and Green points.

I'm using the last buid package (1.1.1499.42325).

Do you have any clue for me ? thanks

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:47 pm
by Chris
Hi Simon,
Almost all the points (28 on 32) receive the correct color property specifie in a DataTable. But the series show 4 points with random Color.
Would you be so kind as to send me an example code snippet so that I can reproduce the problem here?

Many thanks,

my ScreenShoot

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 2:44 pm
by 8122923
I think this screenShoot can explain easilly my problem :


the ScreenShoot show 4 points with the wrong color. I can be sure the ColorMember is correct by the Mark directly bind from the Color Colums. Here a sample of my code, (really basic)

Code: Select all

		private bool initialiseSerie()
			Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bubble styleBubble = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bubble(webChart.Chart);
			//Creation des Evenements associés a la série
			styleBubble.GetPointerStyle += new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.CustomPoint.GetPointerStyleEventHandler(bubbleSeries1_GetPointerStyle);
			styleBubble.GetSeriesMark +=   new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.CustomPoint.GetSeriesMarkEventHandler(bubbleSeries1_GetSeriesMark);
			//Création de l'axe des X
			styleBubble.DataSource = mTable; 
			styleBubble.XValues.DataMember = mTable.Columns["Jour_rabotage"].ToString();
			styleBubble.XValues.DateTime = true;
			//Création de l'Axe des Y
			styleBubble.YValues.DataMember = mTable.Columns[ddlAxeY.SelectedItem.Text].ToString();  
			//Spécification de la taille des bulles
			styleBubble.RadiusValues.DataMember = mTable.Columns["Radius"].ToString();

			//Spécification de la couleur des bulles
			styleBubble.ColorMember = mTable.Columns["Couleur"].ToString();
			//Spécification de la propriétés de MARK.
			styleBubble.Marks.Visible = true;
			styleBubble.Marks.Color = Color.Beige;
			styleBubble.Marks.Transparent = false;

			styleBubble.Marks.ArrowLength = 20;
			styleBubble.Marks.Arrow.Color = Color.Black;
			styleBubble.Marks.Bevel.Width= 7;
			styleBubble.Marks.Brush.Color = Color.Beige;
			styleBubble.Marks.ShapeStyle = Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.TextShapeStyle.RoundRectangle;

			//MAJ des propriétées quelconques de la série
			styleBubble.ShowInLegend = false;
            return true;

I bind the ColorMember with a columns (dataType System.Drawing.Color)
styleBubble.ColorMember = mTable.Columns["Couleur"].ToString();

I have really no idea what to do with this problem. If the picture is cannot be see, you can give me an e-mail adress and I will send it.

thanks lot.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:21 pm
by Chris
Hi --
I bind the ColorMember with a columns (dataType System.Drawing.Color)
Mmm .. how are you doing this? When I do this:

Code: Select all

DataColumn colColor = new DataColumn("colColor",Type.GetType("System.Drawing.Color", true));
I get a runtime exception.

humm, not exactly

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 8:06 pm
by 8122923
Hi Christopher,
You're right, I use a Object dataype. Here the code where I create the color's column. I fill this colums with Color object System.Drawing.Color.

Code: Select all

DataColumn myColumn = new DataColumn(); 
			myColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Object"); 
			myColumn.AllowDBNull = false; 
			myColumn.Caption = "Couleur"; 
			myColumn.ColumnName = "Couleur"; 
			myColumn.DefaultValue = Color.Black;
later, I bind the colorMember with this colums :

Code: Select all

//Spécification de la couleur des bulles
			styleBubble.ColorMember = mTable.Columns["Couleur"].ToString();
As I send in my previous e-mail (ScreenShoot), I also show the value of the columns "Couleur" in the mark property.

I have absolutly no idea what I'm doing wrong but I still try to control the color of each point in a serie. Do you have any clues ?

thanks lot

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:48 am
by Chris
Hi --
I have absolutly no idea what I'm doing wrong but I still try to control the color of each point in a serie. Do you have any clues ?
Mmm ... the following code works fine here:

Code: Select all

tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;
Random r=new Random(10);

DataTable myTable = new DataTable("myTable");
DataColumn colXVal = new DataColumn("XVal",Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
DataColumn colData = new DataColumn("Data",Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
DataColumn colRad = new DataColumn("Rad",Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
DataColumn colCol = new DataColumn("Color",Type.GetType("System.Object"));


DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
DataRow NewRow;
for(int i = 0; i <50; i++) {
	NewRow = myTable.NewRow();
	NewRow["XVal"] = today;
	NewRow["Rad"] = r.Next(5);
	NewRow["Data"] = r.Next(10);
	NewRow["Color"] = Color.Aqua;

tChart1.Series[0].XValues.DateTime = true;
Does this code work OK at your end? If so, you might be inadvertantly changing something in the PointerStyleEvent.

I create a small exemple for U

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:23 pm
by 8122923
Hi Christopher,
I try your exemple and it work fine with my system to.

I have modify your exemple and I use the operator % (modulo).

Every columns in my exemple is suppose to have the same color.


I invite you to try my script to be sure the problem is not comming from my system

Code: Select all

Color[] tab_couleur = { Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.LightGreen, Color.Green};
			Steema.TeeChart.Chart tChart1 = webChart.Chart;
			Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bubble bubble1 = new Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Bubble(tChart1);
			tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false; 

			DataTable myTable = new DataTable("myTable"); 
			DataColumn colXVal = new DataColumn("XVal",Type.GetType("System.Int32")); 
			DataColumn colData = new DataColumn("Data",Type.GetType("System.Int32")); 
			DataColumn colRad = new DataColumn("Rad",Type.GetType("System.Int32")); 
			DataColumn colCol = new DataColumn("Color",Type.GetType("System.Object")); 


			DataRow NewRow; 
			for(int i = 0; i <50; i++) 
				NewRow = myTable.NewRow(); 
				NewRow["XVal"] = i%5;
				NewRow["Rad"] = 2; 
				NewRow["Data"] = i;
				NewRow["Color"] = tab_couleur[i%5];

as I wrote in my first mail, I'm using with the last buid package (1.1.1499.42325).

Many thanks,

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:33 am
by Chris
Hi --

Because you are using the % operator you will have to set:
tChart1.Series[0].XValues.Order = ValueListOrder.None;
Which corrects the problem.


Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:11 pm
by 8122923
well, it looks good. Thanks