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Does TChart compile dynamic assemblies?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:07 am
by 8119852
I am using a TeeChart control on a report (ActiveReports.NET,

When I run the report from http://localhost (i.e. development mode), everything works fine. However, when I run the report from (i.e. deployment mode), I was getting errors. The errors I was getting were FileNotFoundExceptions for weird file names (such as '5xfmtqru.dll'). I recogize these file names as those generated by the .NET compiler when code is compiled and loaded dynamically.

I am using Integrated/Basic authentication (this is just during development/testing). I checked the C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder and found the '5xfmtqru.dll' file. After setting Everyone Read/Write permissions to WINDOWS\TEMP, the errors went away.

Is it the TChart that is compiling this dynamic assembly? Or is this related to the report?

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:08 pm
by Chris
Is it the TChart that is compiling this dynamic assembly? Or is this related to the report?
TeeChart does not compile any Steema Software created external assemblies. Looking around on the web, it seems that 5xfmtqru.dll is not an assembly shipped with the .NET Framework.