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Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:51 pm
by 20085686

We are using Steema.TeeChart.Net (4.2019.5.15) version in windows forms application. The zoom rectangle on the chart is misplaced when the windows display setting is 125 or 150%.

If you want to reproduce this issue then just create a simple project with T CHart control on the form. Change the display settings for the monitor to use 150% and run the application. Use the mouse to select a region on the chart to zoom. You can see the dashed rectangle is not where the mouse pointer is used to drag the rectangle.

I believe there is an open bug # 814 with the same issue. Please let me know if there is a fix or a workaround for this issue.



Re: Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 7:44 am
by Christopher
Hello Sanjay,

In the issue report here:

In my reply there is a link to a StackOverflow question on the same theme, and on StackOverflow you can see that there is relatively recent possible answer to the problem here - have you tried this technique in your application?

Re: Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:34 pm
by 20085686

I have tried the SetProcessDPIAware solution. That did not seem to have any effect. The rectangle dotted line does not appear close to the actual mouse pointer. Please let me know if you have another workaround.



Re: Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:38 am
by Christopher
Hello Sanjay,

please be aware that this is not a TeeChart issue, but is an issue with application settings for DPI. Another possibility is to use the dpiAware manifest settings about which you can read here and here.

Re: Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:08 am
by 14045266
Was wondering if this ever got resolved. I am seeing a similar issue. Our main application that consumes the TeeChart control is DPI Aware. We had to do many things to fix issues when the Display settings were set to > 100%.

However in TeeChart, I am seeing the Zoom Rectangle actually showing up on my 2nd monitor which is external to my laptop screen where the TeeChart is located.

While I am using TeeChart 3.5, it seems to be a the same issue you are seeing. Was hoping to hear if this issue was resolved.

Re: Zoom rectangle misplaced at 150% DPI

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:59 am
by Christopher
Mikej wrote:
Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:08 am
While I am using TeeChart 3.5, it seems to be a the same issue you are seeing. Was hoping to hear if this issue was resolved.
As I explained in my last message, this is not a TeeChart issue (an issue pertaining to an app component), but is an issue of the configuration of the app itself.