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Generate STL file from a chart

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:34 am
by 15677528

One of my goals with the use of Chart is to generate a STL file for 3D printing.
There are several fileformat for 3D printing but STL seems to be the one most used.
Is there a export option for this and if not does Steema has any plans to add it?

Right now I generate a very nice 3D plot using "Points3D".
Without the export option I have to export the numbers used.
And then find a designer that can use the numbers to create a STL file for me

Regards Torben

Re: Generate STL file from a chart

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:19 am
by Christopher
TL123 wrote: One of my goals with the use of Chart is to generate a STL file for 3D printing.
There are several fileformat for 3D printing but STL seems to be the one most used.
Is there a export option for this and if not does Steema has any plans to add it?
That's an interesting request, and I have added it to our issue tracking software with id=1435, which means its implementation will be considered for inclusion in a future maintenance release.