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Exception for Histogram Series

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:50 am
by 15666468
Hi Support,

We have an issue in the Chart Editor for Histogram Series.

After a certain step up in zoom-in, an exception is thrown saying over overflow error and the application breaks.

To reproduce:

1. Add a histogram series from the chart editor.
2. Assign random data into the series and hit apply.
4. zoom-in and repeat zooming in (Overflow error displayed after 8 steps of zoom-in)

- The exception is thrown earlier (4th step of zoom in) when we are drawing series using our own data probably because of scaling..?

Is there any way to handle this exception? Please suggest.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards


Re: Exception for Histogram Series

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:13 pm
by Christopher
Hello Khaled,

Thank you for reporting this issue to us, and apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused.

This issue has been added to our issue tracking software with id=1372, meaning that a solution to it will be considered for inclusion into the next maintenance release.

Re: Exception for Histogram Series

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:04 pm
by 15666468
Hi Christopher,

No worries at all. That was just a minor one we came up with while testing our application's stability and features.

Thank you for your prompt feedback as always and for considering the issue :D .

Best regards
