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Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:53 pm
by 10050727
I am porting a WPF Teechart application to Silverlight and found that the WPF positions a rotated bottom axis label correctly, but Silverlight does not (using essentially the same code).

ChartTimeSeries.ChartDisplay.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 90;
ChartTimeSeries.ChartDisplay.Axes.Bottom.Labels.CustomSize = 110;

Also, the legend checkboxes do not appear in Silverlight, while they do appear in WPF in the native window. The check boxes do not appear when the image is internally copied to the clipboard using the Tchart function ChartDisplay.Export.Image.JPEG.CopyToClipboard()

ChartTimeSeries.ChartDisplay.Legend.CheckBoxes = true;

See attached screen snapshots.

Are these known bugs in the Silverlight Teechart control?


Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:18 am
by 10050769
Hello kent,

I am porting a WPF Teechart application to Silverlight and found that the WPF positions a rotated bottom axis label correctly, but Silverlight does not (using essentially the same code).

ChartTimeSeries.ChartDisplay.Axes.Bottom.Labels.Angle = 90;
ChartTimeSeries.ChartDisplay.Axes.Bottom.Labels.CustomSize = 110;
I could reproduce your problem here and I have added it in Bug report list with number [TW24014995]. We will try to fix it for next maintenance releases of TeeChartSilverlight.
Also, the legend checkboxes do not appear in Silverlight, while they do appear in WPF in the native window.
Ok, I have added it in Bug report list with number [TW24014996]. We will try to fix it for next maintenance releases of TeeChartSilverlight.

The check boxes do not appear when the image is internally copied to the clipboard using the Tchart function ChartDisplay.Export.Image.JPEG.CopyToClipboard()
I could reproduce it and I have added it in Bug report list with number [TW16014998].We will try to fix it for next maintenance releases of TeeChartWPF.


Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:51 am
by yeray
Hi kent,

I'm afraid we closed the issue with number [TW24014996] removing the checkboxes feature from TeeChart.Silverlight because VisualBrush is missing in silverlight.

Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:49 pm
by 10050727
I downloaded the most recent build of TeeChart. I found that the Legend Checkbox feature is no longer supported. However, the behavior is now worse than before. In the previous build, it was possible to toggle each series to remove and replace it in the chart. Although the checkbox was not there to tell you what the present state of the chart is, all entries remained in the legend and it was at least functional.

Now if you click on an entry in the legend, the series will be removed from the chart and the corresponding entry will also be removed from the legend. If you click on the legend again, it might restore the deleted series, or it might remove another series. It seems unpredictable. Eventually you might end up with only one series remaining in the chart and no way to restore the absent series.

I would prefer that you restore the original functionality. It seems to me that it should also be possible to implement some kind of checkbox functionality in the legend. Just because Silverlight does not support some kind of brush doesn't seem like a reason not to implement the functionality. Please find another way to do it.

Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:12 am
by 10050769
Hello BlueMonkey,

I recommend you for now, use last maintenance release of TeeChartSilverlight. Moreover, we'll review it for consider again. Because, we try to find other way for treat this functionally of checkBoxes in TeeChartSilverlight. We will inform you to it asap.


Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:22 pm
by 10050727
I need the new release because it fixes the rotated axis label problem reported in this post.

I am glad that you are reconsidering the legend functionality. It is an important feature and I am sure there are many ways to accomplish it. For example, you can fill in the legend symbol with color when it is active, and leave it transparent when it is inactive. Checkboxes are not a requirement.


Re: Silverlight Bottom axis rotated label position is incorrect

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:59 am
by 10050769

I need the new release because it fixes the rotated axis label problem reported in this post.
Ok, we try to fixed it in next maintenances releases of TeeChartSilverlight. For now, I recommend you to be aware at this forum or subscribe to our RSS news feed for new release announcements and what's implemented on them.
