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How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:16 pm
by 13049909
I just installed Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition under Windows 7 (64 bits version) and TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe of 30th July 2009.
During the installation of TeeChartNET I got a warning about problems with the ToolBox window (I can't remember the exact text).

If I run the TeeChart examples I get a run time error in Dutch: "Het doel van een aanroep heeft een uitzondering veroorzaakt.", which is in English "The target of a call caused an exception".

The TeeChart part of my own project looks OK, but that project crashed because I use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 which is not availble in a 64bits environment. Therefore I changed the Active Solution platform in the Build/Configuration Manager from AnyCPU to x86 (32 bits application), but then I got a lot of compiler errors like "Type 'Steema.TeeChart.TChart' is not defined" and "Name 'Steema' is not declared."

Next I looked in the ReadMe file for the TeeChartNET3VSNET2008.exe where I read:

TeeChart for .NET v3 Installer for Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2008.
*Please note: If installing TeeChart for development use in Windows 64Bit environment you should run the TeeRegV3.exe utility after installation (see below).

I do not know what you mean with "(see below)", because in the rest of the document is the text TeeRegV3.exe not available.

So my questions are:

1. Where can I find file TeeRegV3.exe?

2. It is obvious that I did not run the TeeRegV3.exe utility after installation, but if I had done that does that solve my problem with the development of a 32 bits application in a 64 bits environment?

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:28 am
by narcis
1. Where can I find file TeeRegV3.exe?
This is available at the download area for TeeChart for .NET v3 at our website.
2. It is obvious that I did not run the TeeRegV3.exe utility after installation, but if I had done that does that solve my problem with the development of a 32 bits application in a 64 bits environment?
This would only check and install the designtime license installation. You may also want to use the x64 build of TeeChart, also available at the client download area. Finally you can check your TeeChart environment setup as described here.

If this doesn't help don't hesitate to let us know.

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:15 am
by 13049909
Thanks Narcís for your fast response.

I downloaded, did unzip it to TeeRegV3.exe and moved it to my 64 bits Windows 7 Home Premium system.
I entered my licensenr and password and clicked the Install button.

This resulted in an error message:

"Error setting registry value."

What next?

Thanks in advance,

André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:39 am
by narcis
Hi André,

This seems to indicate it can not write the license key to the registry. Are you running TeeRegv3.exe with administrator rights? You can right-click on it an select "Run as Administrator".

Hope this helps!

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:07 am
by 13049909
Thanks again Narcís for your fast response!

We are making progress. I could run TeeRegv3.exe with administrator rights without an error message and I could compile and run the DemeProjectVB without problems.

However if I change the Active Solution platform in the Build/Configuration Manager from AnyCPU to x86 (32 bits application) of my own project (EffectenBeheer) which was compiling without problems on a Vista 32bits system, I get a lot of compiler errors like "Type 'Steema.TeeChart.TChart' is not defined" and "Name 'Steema' is not declared." and it starts with a warning:
"Warning 1 Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "TeeChart, Version=3.5.3146.24806, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7, processorArchitecture=MSIL". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk.
If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. EffectenBeheer"

If I change the Active Solution platform in the Build/Configuration Manager from AnyCPU to x86 in your Example project DemeProjectVB I do not get these problems.

What do you advice to solve my problem?

Kind regards,

André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:31 am
by 13049909
Hi Narcís,

I noticed another problem: Both in my project and in your DemeProjectVB, is the TeeChart group missing in the VB ToolBox!


best regards,

André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:55 am
by narcis
Hi André,

This may be the problem then that the components are not correctly installed in IDEs toolbox. Please try installing them manually as described here.

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:29 pm
by 13049909
OK Narcis, I have now again the TChart control in my VB Toolbox, but it does not solve my problem with the X86 Active Solution platform, I get still compiler errors like "Type 'Steema.TeeChart.TChart' is not defined" and "Name 'Steema' is not declared."

I tried also the following: I removed the TChart, FastLine and all other Steema controls from my form in design mode and I dropped a new TChart control from the ToolBox on the form, but then I got an error box with the message: Failed to create 'TChart'. The error message follows:
'System.RunTime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004D745): A reference to the component 'TeeChart' already exists in the project. at ....

The first error message in the error list is:
"Error 1 Unable to resolve type 'Steema.TeeChart.TChart, TeeChart, Version=3.5.3146.24806, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9c8126276c77bdb7' C:\Users\Andre\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\EffectenBeheer_X86\EffectenBeheer\My Project\licenses.licx 1 EffectenBeheer"

I hope you know a solution!

Best regards,

André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:28 pm
by narcis
Hi André,

I'm doing tests here to see whether I can get this working in a Windows 7 x64 machine. Can you please confirm the Visual Studio version you are using on it? So far I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express as per your indications and v3's binary installer installed the license correctly on the machine.
I tried also the following: I removed the TChart, FastLine and all other Steema controls from my form in design mode and I dropped a new TChart control from the ToolBox on the form, but then I got an error box with the message: Failed to create 'TChart'. The error message follows:
'System.RunTime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8004D745): A reference to the component 'TeeChart' already exists in the project. at ....
Probably you should also remove TeeChart.dll reference from your project's references section before dropping a new TChart into the form.

Thanks in advance.

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:49 pm
by 13049909
Hi Narcis,

I downloaded the newest version of Visula Basic 2008 Express edition yesterday from the Microsoft site.

The info window says:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 / Microsoft .Net Framework
Version 9.0.30729.1 SP / Version 3.5 SP1

After removing all Steema controls and the TeeChart.dll reference I was indeed possible to add a TChart control without error message!
So I have almost solved the problem except that I have to define again all properties etc.
I have there now a problem, but that is probably due to the effect that I did not work with TChart for almost 2 years. May be you can help me:

After I added the TChart control, I added 2 FastLineSeries by opening the Series Collection Editor via the Series property of my TChart control.
I get then the Series Collection Editor. I click twice on the 'Add' button and I see a FastLine1 and a FastLine2.
I changed the Name and Title of Fastline2 into FastLinemoveAve1, but I cannot change the name of the FastLineMoveAve1 XValues and Yvalues properties. They are named FastLine2.XValues and FastLine2.YValues, but for my source code these names should be changed in FastLineMoveAve1.XValues and FastLineMoveAve1.YValues

How can I change these names?

Thanks in advance,


André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:42 am
by yeray
Hi André,

When you add a series at design time a variable is created for it. If you create a fast line series, this series variable will be fastLine1 but you can change its name at design time through the Properties window (F4) and all the references in the code that Visual Studio will find will be updated.

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:43 am
by 13049909
Hi Yeray and/or Narcis,

thanks for the advice. I did that before, but a I made a stupid spelling error which took a long time before I saw it.

I have my project now running, but there is something strange with the 3D view.
I do not want a 3D view, so in the TChart Editor I removed the tick in the check box before "3 Dimensions" on the Chart / 3D tab.
I see a flat Graph in design mode, but a 3 dimensional graph if I run the program.

This is not the case on my 32bits Vista system: it is there flat in both cases. I looked on the Vista system in the designer file MainFormDesigner.vb and I see there a statement Me.TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False

This statement is missing in the new MainFormDesigner.vb file on my 64bits Window 7 system. If I put it in manually, I get a flat graph on my Windows 7 system as well.

Why do I have to put in that statement manually?


André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:55 am
by yeray
Hi André,

Have you tried it in a new simple application? I mean, dropping a chart on a clean form and executing it, the chart should be a 3D by default. And then change the chart to 2D at design time and execute the simple application again, isn't it 2D?

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:21 am
by 13049909
Hi Yeray ,

Yes in a new simple application I see what you suggest, but if set the 3 Dimensions tick in my own project at design time I see a 3D view at run time.
If next I remove the tick then again in design time, I see a 2D at design time, but I still see a 3D view if I run my program!

The only way to get a 2D view at run time is to insert the statement Me.TChart1.Aspect.View3D = False

I think you will hardly believe it, but it is the truth!

Best regards,

André Wolff

Re: How to get the TeeRegV3.exe utility?

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:42 pm
by yeray
Hi André,

The only explication I can see is that somewhere in your program the chart is being modified to be 3D.
You could perform a search in your entire solution for the word "View3D" and see if there is a place your are missing that it is set to 3D.