Multiple Series with Markstip

TeeChart for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Xamarin Studio (Android, iOS & Forms) & Monodevelop.
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John Lott
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:00 am

Multiple Series with Markstip

Post by John Lott » Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:06 pm

I have two series for each set of data. One line series and one points series for each set of data. I may have five different sets of data plotted on the same chart. I only want the markstip to show up for the point series. How do I get all the point series with markstips?

Here is the code:

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To TChart1.Series.Count - 1
If (TypeOf TChart1(a) Is Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points) Then

End If
' a = (a + 1)

marksTip.Active = True
marksTip.MouseDelay = 500
marksTip.MouseAction = Steema.TeeChart.Tools.MarksTipMouseAction.Move
marksTip.Style = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MarksStyles.XY

Would appreciate any help.


John Lott
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Apr 08, 2003 4:00 am

Figured it out

Post by John Lott » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:03 pm

This code is in my mousemove event. I needed to be able to set all point series to have markstip on them. I did not want any of the line series that were plotted as well to have markstip. So I find out first if the series is a points series. If it is a point series I set the markstip.series to it. Since all the series are run through this piece of code, all the point series have markstips associated with them. Which is exactly what I wanted! :D

Dim a As Integer

For a = 0 To TChart1.Series.Count - 1
If (TypeOf TChart1.Series(a) Is Steema.TeeChart.Styles.Points) Then
marksTip.Series = TChart1.Series(a)
End If

marksTip.Active = True
marksTip.MouseDelay = 500
marksTip.MouseAction = Steema.TeeChart.Tools.MarksTipMouseAction.Move
marksTip.Style = Steema.TeeChart.Styles.MarksStyles.XY

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