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Pie chart slices with "wings"

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:24 am
by 5887342

(V7.12) I have a 3D pie chart with an exploded slice. If you look at the produced chart, there are "wings", little bits of the slices that extend past where they should, so that there are, in effect, excess overlapping lines for the slices.

I'm wondering what I can do to make that effect go away.

I know that description is from hunger, so I uploaded a screen capture, ffc_piechart_with_wings.jpg, to demonstrating this.

Thanks in advance..:)
richard diamond

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:16 am
by narcis
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the images but I'm not able to reproduce the problem here. Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce it here?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:11 am
by 5887342

I thought I'd give you (and anyone interested in this thread) an update.

I tracked down the issue. Elevation. Don't set that property to a value less than 270. Ever. Trust me. LOL!

I was allowing values in the range 0 to 360. While I guess theoretically that's the permissible range, values less than 270 when used with 3-D pie pie charts produce some... visually ... interesting.. results. Picasso would have been proud. As would Salvador Dali.

So bottom line, if I restrict Elevation to the range 270..360 then all is well..:))

And thank you for your prompt attention to this! I've been using TeeChart since the version that shipped with Delphi 1.0. It's service like this that is just one reason why.

richard diamond

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:17 am
by narcis
Hello richard,

Thanks for the information and your sense of humor.

Yes, at designtime, using the chart editor, elevation is restriced to the range you mention.
I was allowing values in the range 0 to 360. While I guess theoretically that's the permissible range, values less than 270 when used with 3-D pie pie charts produce some... visually ... interesting.. results. Picasso would have been proud. As would Salvador Dali.
:lol:. In fact, Dali's home town and museum are only 40 kms. from where we are, Girona. So his influence may be around :wink:.

BTW: Tate Modern just loaned them a paint related to my name:

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:19 pm
by 5887342

Wow!!! Thanks for that link.

I have been a follower of Dali even as I kid, when I saw his works at a Museum in New York City. A multi-talented, multi-faceted (and FUNNY as hell) genius, that man.

I went back to the city for the first time in over thirty years, and what did I do? See Dali's exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art.

I envy you being so close to his home, and main collection of his works...:)

richard diamond

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:28 am
by narcis
Hi richard,

You're very welcome.
I have been a follower of Dali even as I kid, when I saw his works at a Museum in New York City. A multi-talented, multi-faceted (and FUNNY as hell) genius, that man.
I envy you being so close to his home, and main collection of his works...
Yes, there are several Dalinian spots to visit here. So you have an excuse to visit Girona area and Catalonia :wink:. In Barcelona (100 kms. from Girona) you can also visit Picasso and Miro museums: