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Memory issue with DBChart

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:44 am
by 10046016
I found that linking a chart to a data source and then using:

Series1.DataSource := DataTable;
was very slow plotting points and crashed with memory allocation with around 9,000 XY points.

Manually adding the XY coords was a lot faster and did not cause a memory issue. eg
while not DataTable.EOF do
NumPts := NumPts + 1;
Series1.AddXY(DataTable.FieldByName('DateTime').AsDateTime, DataTable.FieldByName('Value').AsFloat);

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:45 am
by narcis
Hi Nicho,

Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?

You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:35 am
by 10046016
Thanks for your reply. It will be a couple of days before I can send you an example - I'll have to make a 'cut -down' version of my software. I'm using an SQL database called NexusDB with over million coordinates. I then filter this DB to provide the XY coordinates that I want to plot. As you probably would not have NexusDB I can provide the data in a CSV file for you.


Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:34 am
by narcis
Hi Nicho,

Yes, a CSV file would be fine for us.

Thanks in advance.