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Kylix 3 TeePro7 compile problem

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 8:49 am
by 9337597
I've just downloaded TeeChart Pro version 7 Full Source Code and I'm trying to compile the TeeChart packages (OS - Red Hat 9) using the script suggested in the Kylix.txt file.

I keep getting an error - "Fille not found: messages.dpu". I've searched for this file, but it's not present on my system.

I've also tried using KylixRecompile but this produces the message ":bad interpreter: no such file or directory".

So what might have gone wrong???


RE: Kylix 3 TeePro7 compile problem

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:04 am
by 8574221

> I've also tried using KylixRecompile but this produces the message ":bad interpreter: no such file or directory".
can your post the output of the KylixRecompile arround this error message please. Then it is possible to narrow the stage of compiling...


Re: RE: Kylix 3 TeePro7 compile problem

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 10:16 am
by 9337597
8574221 wrote:> I've also tried using KylixRecompile but this produces the message ":bad interpreter: no such file or directory".
can your post the output of the KylixRecompile arround this error message please. Then it is possible to narrow the stage of compiling...
The error message appears immediately upon running ./KylixRecompile.

Since posting my message, I've found a little time to look into this, and it appears that the script is having a problem finding the Kylix install location(s). At the start of the script there are several lines that assign paths e.g. KYLIX3_START_APP='whereis startkylix...'

Kylix3 installation defaults to /usr/local/kylix3, and that is where my installation is located, so I edited the script to reflect these absolute paths.

I tried running the script again, but it couldn't find the source files, so I copied the script file into the source directory, which produced better results - it stopped when it couldn't find 'Messages' (sound familiar?). At least this time it told me what the offending file was - TeEngine.pas.

This file had the following lines:-

SysUtils, Messages,

'Messages' appears to be a windows unit, so I changed it to:-

Windows, Messages,

and compilation prceeded until I got the error:-

make: *** [] Segmentation fault
make: *** Deleting ''

Getting depressed by now, I decided to try all of the above with RH7.1, which successfully compiled without any segmentation faults. :?

However, when it came to make the static libraries, the following error occurred:-

make: *** No rule to make target 'Tee7K3.bpr' needed by 'Tee7K3.a'. Stop

It then went on to generate all the header files.

Short of time, I couldn't look into the static library problem, so made them all manually with kylix C++.

I've now got TeeChart (kind of) working with Kylix, but it throws up errors when I double-click on a chart to open up the property windows - 'illegal border values' or some such messages. I can use the Kylix property editor to change things, but it's not nearly so convenient.

I'm wondering if I'm the first person to try TeeChart7 with Kylix 3, or is it just me. Should it be this hard?


Re: RE: Kylix 3 TeePro7 compile problem

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:01 am
by 8574221
Hi Keith
Since posting my message, I've found a little time to look into this, and it appears that the script is having a problem finding the Kylix install ocation(s). At the start of the script there are several lines that assign paths e.g. KYLIX3_START_APP='whereis startkylix...'
At 2004-03-01 I posted a changed KylixRecomile file in the newsgroup steema.private.fieldtest.teechart7. This new KylixRecompile check if the kylix-path was found and alternative asks for the path... Til today this new script was not put into the source of TeeChart by Steema...

After that I found some errors and post the patches in the same newsgroup, but I think they found also no way into the official sourcecode...

for example:
- crash with Chart-Editor in IDE
- missed TeeGalleryAlternate.pas in TeeUI7K3.dpk
I tried running the script again, but it couldn't find the source files, so I copied the script file into the source directory, which produced better results - it stopped when it couldn't find 'Messages' (sound familiar?). At least this time it told me what the offending file was - TeEngine.pas.
The error inside TeEngine.pas with the used "Messages" was post at 2004-03-11 into the newsgroup...

David posted in a newsgroup the proportion between "normal" and kylix teechart users to 500/1 and defined their own ressources to the same proportion. Unfortunately it seems that this small ressource is not enough to maintain the patches that comes from the users into the official code. :-|

I'm not shure if it is allowed as a user to private post the changes that are published in the newsgroup to you.

The best way is to read the kylix discussions in the private newsgroup steema.private.fieldtest.teechart7. If you have no password for this newsgroup then ask Steema to become it...

David, Marjan or others from Steema: Is it possible to make the discussions in the fieldtest TeeChart7 newsgroups belatedly public?


Re: RE: Kylix 3 TeePro7 compile problem

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 9:45 am
by 9337597
Hi Martin

Thanks for info - very enlightening.

We don't have pro support, so can't access the private newsgroups. However, as these issues are basic to the funtionality of a Steema product, I would have thought that any patches/fixes would have at least been made public, if not included in the released version.

Although we haven't purchased pro support, we did expect to be buying a working product....

As you suggested, I think it only fair that someone from Steema should make available the relevent fixes to all concerned.
