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What could I have done wrong?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:05 am
by 10546508

Env Delphi 2007

The code below has worked fine for many years giving the results


the histogram graphs have now started appearing as (I have added a grid to show the source data)


pie charts using similar code continue to work as expected.

Things I have done lately
1. Install the December update to Delphi 2007
2. Install Report Builder 10.9

I tried running the re compile but it came up with the following error....
CodeGear Delphi for Win32 compiler version 18.5
Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear
8247 lines, 1.65 seconds, 63152 bytes code, 340 bytes data.
CodeGear Delphi for Win32 compiler version 18.5
Copyright (c) 1983,2007 CodeGear
8244 lines, 0.59 seconds, 58392 bytes code, 324 bytes data.
TeeChart Installation
RAD 2007.Win32 v11 (BDS v5 Professional)
File not found
Operation aborted
I can not re install the program for the reasons documented in my newsgroup postings of 22/11/07 and 23/11/07

Advice greatfully appreciated

Philip L Jackson

Code: Select all

if Items[18].selected then   // Count of PM Visits per month
        begin    //
           ChartTypeGroup.ItemIndex := 1;
           GraphsDataModule.Query13.Active     := FALSE;
           DBChart1.Height := Panel6.Height - 139;
           With MySeries do
              XValues.ValueSource    := '';
              YValues.ValueSource    := '';
              XLabelsSource          := '';
              ParentChart := DBChart1;
              DataSource := GraphsDataModule.Query13;

              GraphsDataModule.Query13.SQL.Add('select sum(diary.est_hrs) as sNumber, diary.due, periods1.desc1, periods1.lineno');
              GraphsDataModule.Query13.SQL.Add('from diary , periods1');
              GraphsDataModule.Query13.SQL.Add('where diary.due = periods1.desc1');
              if BranchCount > 0 then  GraphsDataModule.Query13.SQL.Add('and diary.branch in ' + sBranchList) ;
              GraphsDataModule.Query13.SQL.Add('group by  periods1.lineno, periods1.desc1, diary.due');

              GraphsDataModule.Query13.Active := TRUE;
              XLabelsSource := 'Due';
              if HorizBarSelect then
                XValues.ValueSource := 'sNumber'
                 else   YValues.ValueSource := 'sNumber';
             Marks.Visible := True;
           ChartDisplayed := 'Y';
        With DBChart1.Title.Text do
           Add('Maint By Hours');
      end;// end of if Items[18].selected then   // Hours of PM Visits per month

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:13 am
by narcis
Hi PhilipLJackson,

In your code you already use CheckDataSource method. Could you please send us a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?

You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.
I can not re install the program for the reasons documented in my newsgroup postings of 22/11/07 and 23/11/07
I haven't been able to find those messages. You may want to post a link or remind us the reason. Anyway, we have v8.03 in release candidate stage. If you want I can send you the installer.

Thanks in advance.

Sample Project Uploaded

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:28 am
by 10546508

I have sent a small sample to the attachments newsgroup.


Philip L Jackson

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:51 am
by narcis
Hi Philip,

Sorry but I can't find the example project. Where did you send it?

Thanks in advance.

What could I have done wrong?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:09 pm
by 10546508

I do not know why but the message has not been sent so I have uploaded the project using your upload facility.

The project uses Advantage, in case you do not have the environment set up I have also uploaded some advantage files, put these in the same folder as the application.



Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:19 pm
by narcis
Hi Philip,

Thanks for the files. I found them now. Most likely they couldn't be posted because they are too big for the newsgroups. I've copied Advantage files at the same folder than your application but I'm still unable to load and compile it successfully. Is there any step I may be missing?

Thanks in advance.

What could I have done wrong?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:34 pm
by 10546508
Hi Narcis

Thanks for your prompt attention.

The .exe I included should run OK.

If you wish to re compile the application then you need to install the advantage TDataSet component which can be downloaded from ... Platform=6


Philip L Jackson

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:01 pm
by narcis
Hi Philip,

Thanks for the information. I installed Advantage components now. However, either running your exe or building it here throws an error. I used your error reporting functionality to send you the information but basically the message I get is this:

Debugger Exception Notification
Project hist.exe raised exception class EADSDatabaseError with message 'Query13: Error 7200: AQE Error: State = HY000; NativeError = 5175; [Extended Systems][Advantage SQL][ASA] Error 5175: The index file was created with a different collation sequence than is currently being used. Table name: diary'.
Break Continue Help

What should I do to solve this?

Thanks in advance.

What could I have done wrong?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:35 pm
by 10546508

Sorry did not think about language differences.

1. Can you please open the file adsloc.cfg and set the ANSI_CHAR to be...


2. You may also need to change the from OEM_CHAR_SET=USA to Spanish, but I would try 1 above first.



Code: Select all

; ANSI Character Set
; Default = Use the currently configured ANSI character set that is active
;           on the workstation.
; If you do not wish to use the ANSI character set that is active on the
;   current workstation, the available ANSI character sets to be used are:
;     Danish, Dutch, Engl(Amer), Engl(UK), Engl(Can), Finnish, French,
;     French Can, German, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish,
;     Span(Mod), Swedish, Russian, ASCII, Turkish, Polish, Baltic, or
;     Ukrainian
; OEM/Localized Character Set
; Default = USA
; Options are:

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:28 am
by narcis
Hi Philip,

Thanks for the info. I tried 1 and 2 but none of them helped. When installing the components I used all default options. I'm using an English operating system machine but language is set to Catalan.

Do you have any other suggestion? Do you thing reinstalling the components setting other default options would help?

Thanks in advance.

Histogram Problems

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:34 am
by 10546508

Below is the answer I received from Advantage Support

If you wish to follow this course of action then the arc32.exe can be downloaded from ... Platform=6

I would suggest that you install the arc32 into the same folder as the example I sent over so as to update the advatage dll's previously supplied.

However I supspect that this error arrises because of an issue after installing the December 2007 update and April 08 update to Delphi 2007.

You previously offered the latest version of TeeChart - is this stable and will it work with Report Builder? I do not wish to ship this to customers if it is going to raise other issues.

Would it be better if I installed the new version and we see if the issue remains?



Hi Philip,

using the default values when installing ADS or its components is not always a good idea at least when it comes to the situatione where tables have to be opened on a machine with different language settings.

Using the same collation sequences (ANSI / OEM) should be good in order to open the tables. Assuming that you are using the default setting it might be different to the settings made by TeeChart-Support.

The easiest way to solve this problem is:

- define the appropriate values in the adslocal.cfg of the components
- Install ARC32 with the same language settings
- open the table(s) with ARC32 and see if the can be opened. Most likely you will also get the error 5175 - Collation Sequence mismatch. But you will be prompted to re-index that table(s). If the table(s) is/are re-indexes this error 5175 should not occur anymore.

Best regards,
your Advantage Support Team EMEA
Marcus Luz

Any Progress on this issue?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:04 pm
by 10546508
Any ideas or progress?


Philip L Jackson

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:21 am
by yeray
Hi Philip,

Excuse us for the delay. NarcĂ­s, who is following the thread and made some tests, is out this week. He will answer you as soon as possible.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:10 pm
by narcis
Hi Philip,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

Thanks for the information. I could reindex the table as suggested and run your example project here. I found that left axis was set to non-automatic at designtime. Either setting it back to automatic or adding line below to chart population code solves the problem here. Could you please try if it works fine at your end?

Code: Select all

Thanks in advance!


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 10:11 am
by 10546508
Hi Narcis

Thanks for your reply. You were quite correct the Automatic property had been set to FALSE, restoring it to TRUE has solved the problem.

Sorry to have taken up so much time, I have checked in archive code and it was previously set to TRUE and I can not think how this was changed.

Regards to all

Philip L Jackson