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EInvalidOp (Float Point Exception) in TEngine.pas Line 5855

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:25 am
by 9349911
Hi !

Today I got an error in TEngine.pas Line 5855 "EInvalidOp". We use some TFastLine Series to plot data. All worked fine for about 30 Minutes (we add every second one value to each series). But then I got the error.
We use 8.03.

This is what Eurekalog said ...

Code: Select all

  2.1 Date          : Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:42:58 +0200
  2.2 Address       : 008BEBD5
  2.3 Module Name   : LogView.exe - (Datenvisualisierung für Modellbauer)
  2.4 Module Version:
  2.5 Type          : EInvalidOp
  2.6 Message       : Ungültige Gleitkommaoperation.
  2.7 ID            : 2229
  2.8 Count         : 1
  2.9 Status        : New
  2.10 Note         : 

Operating System:
  6.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows XP
  6.2 Build # : 2600
  6.3 Update  : Service Pack 2
  6.4 Language: German
  6.5 Charset : 0    

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module      |Unit              |Class           |Procedure/Method                |Line      |
|*Exception Thread: ID=4752; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                               |
|008BEBD5|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |RecalcStats                     |5855[25]  |
|008BEAC0|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |RecalcStats                     |5830[0]   |
|008BEC6B|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |RecalcStats                     |5873[7]   |
|008BEC24|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |RecalcStats                     |5866[0]   |
|008BEA15|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |GetMaxValue                     |5804[1]   |
|008BEA00|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |GetMaxValue                     |5803[0]   |
|008C7C7E|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartSeries    |MaxYValue                       |10167[1]  |
|008BEEE4|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartValueList |GetCount                        |5971[0]   |
|008C5C1A|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartSeries    |Count                           |9249[1]   |
|008CA47B|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TCustomAxisPanel|InternalMinMax                  |11483[108]|
|77F1E0D3|GDI32.dll   |                  |                |Polyline                        |          |
|0088FE85|LogView.exe |TeCanvas.pas      |TTeeCanvas3D    |Polyline                        |5582[6]   |
|7E41BEFD|USER32.dll  |                  |                |InflateRect                     |          |
|0088A34B|LogView.exe |TeCanvas.pas      |TTeeCanvas      |Frame3D                         |2859[45]  |
|008C9FC0|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TCustomAxisPanel|InternalMinMax                  |11375[0]  |
|008B767D|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartAxis      |CalcMinMax                      |2993[2]   |
|008B7644|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartAxis      |CalcMinMax                      |2991[0]   |
|008B79B5|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartAxis      |AdjustMaxMin                    |3061[1]   |
|008C9C78|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TCustomAxisPanel|HasActiveSeries                 |11240[0]  |
|008C9D59|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TCustomAxisPanel|CalcIsAxisVisible               |11272[5]  |
|008B799C|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TChartAxis      |AdjustMaxMin                    |3060[0]   |
|008CB4C7|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |                |CalcAxisRect                    |11890[6]  |
|008CB468|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |                |CalcAxisRect                    |11884[0]  |
|008CBB73|LogView.exe |TeEngine.pas      |TCustomAxisPanel|InternalDraw                    |12058[24] |
|008A1801|LogView.exe |TeeProcs.pas      |TCustomTeePanel |Draw                            |1387[10]  |
|008A1492|LogView.exe |TeeProcs.pas      |TCustomTeePanel |Draw                            |1321[1]   |
|008A146C|LogView.exe |TeeProcs.pas      |TCustomTeePanel |Draw                            |1320[0]   |
|008A185B|LogView.exe |TeeProcs.pas      |TCustomTeePanel |Paint                           |1426[9]   |
|7E41F891|USER32.dll  |                  |                |CallNextHookEx                  |          |
|7E41F85B|USER32.dll  |                  |                |CallNextHookEx                  |          |
|00798150|LogView.exe |aqDocking.pas     |                |aqDockingWndProcHook            |1341[1]   |
|7E41D825|USER32.dll  |                  |                |UpdateWindow                    |          |
|7E41D7F9|USER32.dll  |                  |                |UpdateWindow                    |          |
|00BB0E79|LogView.exe |LogStreamUtils.pas|                |LogStream_DatensatzAnzeigen     |2008[323] |
|00BAFFC0|LogView.exe |LogStreamUtils.pas|                |LogStream_DatensatzAnzeigen     |1685[0]   |
|00BD5BC4|LogView.exe |LogViewMain.pas   |TForm1          |DatenempfangAuswertung          |5519[143] |
|00BD5554|LogView.exe |LogViewMain.pas   |TForm1          |DatenempfangAuswertung          |5376[0]   |
|00BE0F5C|LogView.exe |LogViewMain.pas   |TForm1          |SerialPortRxClusterEvent        |7432[1293]|
|007F0856|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |RxClusterEvent                  |1527[2]   |
|7E41F85B|USER32.dll  |                  |                |CallNextHookEx                  |          |
|0056CD54|LogView.exe |cxContainer.pas   |                |ApplicationGetMessageMsgHookProc|6696[13]  |
|7E4196C2|USER32.dll  |                  |                |DispatchMessageA                |          |
|7E4196B8|USER32.dll  |                  |                |DispatchMessageA                |          |
|                                                                                                     |
|Running Thread: ID=4980; Priority=0; Class=TWorkThread                                               |
|7C90E9BE|ntdll.dll   |                  |                |NtWaitForSingleObject           |          |
|7C80A709|kernel32.dll|                  |                |CreateEventW                    |          |
|7C802540|kernel32.dll|                  |                |WaitForSingleObjectEx           |          |
|7C80252D|kernel32.dll|                  |                |WaitForSingleObject             |          |
|7C802520|kernel32.dll|                  |                |WaitForSingleObject             |          |
|007F0A63|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |ThreadSynchronize               |1586[2]   |
|007F0A44|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |ThreadSynchronize               |1584[0]   |
|007F13B7|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |                |DoRxClusterStore                |1803[19]  |
|007F12A8|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |                |DoRxClusterStore                |1784[0]   |
|007F1500|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |                |ReadNoWait                      |1835[25]  |
|7C86554F|kernel32.dll|                  |                |ClearCommError                  |          |
|007F0E53|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |                |GetStatus                       |1710[41]  |
|007F13C0|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |                |ReadNoWait                      |1810[0]   |
|007F186C|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |Execute                         |1931[15]  |
|7C90E57A|ntdll.dll   |                  |                |NtSetEvent                      |          |
|Calling Thread: ID=4752; Priority=0; Class=; [Main]                                                  |
|007F0815|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |Create                          |1521[3]   |
|007F07DC|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TWorkThread     |Create                          |1518[0]   |
|007EF6DB|LogView.exe |SerialNG.pas      |TSerialPortNG   |Create                          |947[55]   |
|7E41C482|USER32.dll  |                  |                |IsWindowVisible                 |          |
|7E41C48E|USER32.dll  |                  |                |IsWindowVisible                 |          |
|7E41D825|USER32.dll  |                  |                |UpdateWindow                    |          |
|7E41D7F9|USER32.dll  |                  |                |UpdateWindow                    |          |

Modules Information:
|Handle  |Name           |Description                                     |Version        |Size    |Modified           |Path                                                                                                |
|00330000|Normaliz.dll   |Unicode Normalization DLL                       |6.0.5441.0     |23552   |2006-06-29 09:05:44|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|00400000|LogView.exe    |Datenvisualisierung für Modellbauer             |      |13683712|2008-06-19 16:21:26|E:\Delphi\LogView\LogView                                                                           |
|02AE0000|iOPC2.dll      |Iocomp OPC DLL                                  |      |426496  |2006-02-17 15:32:08|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|10000000|ADvdDiscHlp.dll|ADvdDisc Dynamic Link Library                   |        |101312  |2008-01-31 16:29:40|E:\Program Files\SlySoft\AnyDVD                                                                     |
|4EC50000|gdiplus.dll    |Microsoft GDI+                                  |5.1.3102.2180  |1712128 |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82        |
|5AD70000|uxtheme.dll    |Microsoft UxTheme Library                       |6.0.2900.2180  |218624  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll   |                                                |5.1.2600.2180  |83456   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|662B0000|hnetcfg.dll    |Home Networking Configuration Manager           |5.1.2600.2180  |344064  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71A50000|mswsock.dll    |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider  |5.1.2600.2180  |245248  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71A90000|wshtcpip.dll   |Windows Sockets Helper DLL                      |5.1.2600.2180  |19968   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll    |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT        |5.1.2600.2180  |19968   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll     |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL                   |5.1.2600.2180  |82944   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71AD0000|wsock32.dll    |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL                       |5.1.2600.2180  |22528   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|71B20000|mpr.dll        |Multiple Provider Router DLL                    |5.1.2600.2180  |59904   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|72D10000|msacm32.drv    |Microsoft Sound Mapper                          |5.1.2600.0     |20480   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|72D20000|wdmaud.drv     |WDM Audio driver mapper                         |5.1.2600.2180  |23552   |2004-08-04 01:56:58|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|73000000|winspool.drv   |Windows Spooler Driver                          |5.1.2600.2180  |146432  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|732E0000|RICHED32.DLL   |Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0                    |5.1.2600.0     |3584    |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74720000|MSCTF.dll      |MSCTF Server DLL                                |5.1.2600.3319  |294912  |2008-02-26 13:59:50|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74C80000|oleacc.dll     |Active Accessibility Core Component             |4.2.5406.0     |163328  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|74E30000|RICHED20.dll   |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0                    |   |433152  |2006-11-27 16:54:06|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|751D0000|wshbth.dll     |Windows Sockets Helper DLL                      |5.1.2600.2180  |108032  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|755C0000|msctfime.ime   |Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME           |5.1.2600.2180  |177152  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76080000|MSVCP60.dll    |Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library               |6.2.3104.0     |413696  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76380000|msimg32.dll    |GDIEXT Client DLL                               |5.1.2600.2180  |4608    |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76390000|imm32.dll      |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL                 |5.1.2600.2180  |110080  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|763B0000|comdlg32.dll   |Common Dialogs DLL                              |6.0.2900.2180  |276992  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76B40000|winmm.dll      |MCI API DLL                                     |5.1.2600.2180  |176128  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76BF0000|PSAPI.dll      |Process Status Helper                           |5.1.2600.2180  |23040   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76C30000|WINTRUST.dll   |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs               |5.131.2600.2180|176640  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76C90000|IMAGEHLP.dll   |Windows NT Image Helper                         |5.1.2600.2180  |144384  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76F20000|DNSAPI.dll     |DNS Client API DLL                              |5.1.2600.3316  |148992  |2008-02-20 07:32:44|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76F60000|WLDAP32.dll    |Win32 LDAP API DLL                              |5.1.2600.2180  |172032  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|76FB0000|winrnr.dll     |LDAP RnR Provider DLL                           |5.1.2600.2180  |16896   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\System32                                                                                 |
|76FC0000|rasadhlp.dll   |Remote Access AutoDial Helper                   |5.1.2600.2938  |8192    |2006-06-26 19:37:10|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77120000|oleaut32.dll   |                                                |5.1.2600.3266  |550912  |2007-12-04 20:38:14|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|773D0000|comctl32.dll   |User Experience Controls Library                |6.0.2900.2982  |1054208 |2006-08-25 17:45:56|E:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03|
|774E0000|ole32.dll      |Microsoft OLE for Windows                       |5.1.2600.2726  |1285120 |2005-07-26 06:39:48|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77920000|Setupapi.dll   |Windows Setup API                               |5.1.2600.2180  |983552  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77A80000|CRYPT32.dll    |Crypto API32                                    |5.131.2600.2180|597504  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77B20000|MSASN1.dll     |ASN.1 Runtime APIs                              |5.1.2600.2180  |57344   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77BD0000|midimap.dll    |Microsoft MIDI Mapper                           |5.1.2600.2180  |18944   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77BE0000|MSACM32.dll    |Microsoft ACM Audio Filter                      |5.1.2600.2180  |71680   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77C00000|version.dll    |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries|5.1.2600.2180  |18944   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77C10000|msvcrt.dll     |Windows NT CRT DLL                              |7.0.2600.2180  |343040  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77DD0000|ADVAPI32.dll   |Advanced Windows 32 Base API                    |5.1.2600.2180  |616960  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77E70000|RPCRT4.dll     |Remote Procedure Call Runtime                   |5.1.2600.3173  |582656  |2007-07-09 15:16:16|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77F10000|GDI32.dll      |GDI Client DLL                                  |5.1.2600.3316  |282624  |2008-02-20 08:51:06|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll    |Shell Light-weight Utility Library              |6.0.2900.3059  |474112  |2007-01-04 16:05:30|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|77FE0000|Secur32.dll    |Security Support Provider Interface             |5.1.2600.2180  |55808   |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|78000000|iertutil.dll   |Run time utility for Internet Explorer          |7.0.6000.16674 |267776  |2008-04-23 06:16:28|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|78050000|wininet.dll    |Internet Extensions for Win32                   |7.0.6000.16674 |826368  |2008-04-23 06:16:30|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7C800000|kernel32.dll   |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL                  |5.1.2600.3119  |984576  |2007-04-16 17:52:54|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7C900000|ntdll.dll      |NT Layer DLL                                    |5.1.2600.2180  |708096  |2004-08-04 13:00:00|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7C9C0000|shell32.dll    |Windows Shell Common Dll                        |6.0.2900.3241  |8460288 |2007-10-26 05:34:02|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
|7E410000|USER32.dll     |Windows XP USER API Client DLL                  |5.1.2600.3099  |577536  |2007-03-08 17:36:28|E:\WINDOWS\system32                                                                                 |
Any idea?

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:34 am
by narcis
Hi Dominik,

I'm afraid not, we would need to reproduce and debug the problem here. Would you be so kind to arrange a simple example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here?

You can either post your files at news:// newsgroup or at our upload page.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:41 am
by 9349911
Hi Narcis,

well that will be quit complicate ...
The bug appeared in our Main application. It would be very hard to extract a simple demo from that which runs at your system.

I will take a look if we get more from this error. And maybe I can create a simple demo then ...

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:23 pm
by 9349911
Hi Narcis,

I got the error again :(
That´s not good. We never had this error using the 8.02 version.

Hopefully I can write a demo for reproducing ...

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:39 pm
by narcis
Hi Dominik,

It would be really helpful. I've checked TeEngine.pas, TeCanvas.pas and TeeProcs.pas and haven't seen any difference between v8.02 and v8.03 in the methods your log mentions. In fact, those units have been modified very little since v8.02. So I don't have any idea where the problem could be without being able to reproduce it here.