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Cannot install V502 on Delphi6 - lots of errors

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:18 pm
by 4211121

I am trying to reconstruct an old Delphi setup. I am using Delphi 6 with TeeChart 502. The installation goes fine.

However when I try and run Delphi I get a raft of error message. The first is that it cannot load TeeImage56.blp because it contains unit TeeAbout which is also in package 'tee60'.

It looks like an existing package already contains some TeeChart stuff - but I can't see anything.

Any offers? Bit urgent, so any help very much appreciated

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:52 pm
by Pep
Hi Howard,

the "Cannot load package " error indicates Delphi 6 is still referencing old TeeChart (i.e. Tee60) packages or another non-TeeChart package that uses TeeChart packages. There are several possibilities

1) The installation was not 100% successful. The solution is to manually install TeeChart v5 PRO for Delphi 6. There are detailed installing instructions, available in TeeChart \Delphi6\ directory.

2) The installation was successful but there is another package that is still referencing old (Tee60) files. Possible packages are

a) Quick Report. This is possible only if you installed Quick Report PRO (or the newest version of QR Standard) after you installed TeeChart v5 PRO for D6. The problem is all Quick Report versions are compiled with TeeChart v4 STANDARD (Tee60) files. The solution is to recompile TQRChart component files. Necessary files + instructions how to do it are located in TeeChart\Delphi6\QuickReport\ directory.

b) Report Builder. The cause of problem is the same - RB was compiled with Tee60 files. The solution is to download and install Report Builder that supports TeeChart v5.02 PRO for D6.

c) Decision Cube. This case applies only if you're using Delphi 6 Enterprise Edition. The cause of problem is the same as in previous two cases. But I think the latest installer already automatically recompiles Decision Cube source code. If this fails (sometimes it happens) then the solution is to recompile and reinstall Decision Cube packages manually. Instructions how to do this are included with TeeChart v5 installation (Delphi6\DecisionCube\directory).

d) Another component which uses TeeChart packages. The solution is standard: use version which supports the latest TeeChart; or recompile/reinstall component source code; or disable the component.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 4:54 pm
by 4211121
No joy with any of this. No matter what I try I just get the same message about TeeAbout. I can't do anything.

This is a completely fresh install of Delphi 6 Enterprise. The TeeChart install all went without errors - including the decision cube bit (which I don't care about).

Surely it shouldn't be this hard?

I have a vague recollection that I had this problem before (about 2 years ago) and somebody gave me a very easy answer involving removing a package from the delphi install, but I can't remember what it was now.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 5:09 pm
by 4211121
Ahhh..... I lied!!

I had installed cgiexpert and forgotten about it. *That* was the problem. The answer is on their website. Sorted now (I hope).

Thanks for your help!