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PDF Fonts

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:37 pm
by 10545668
I am exporting a chart to the PDF export format. The original chart is 960 pixels wide by 720 pixels high (10 x 7.5 inches drawn at a resolution of 96 DPI). I export the chart to the PDF file at exactly the same size.

The result of the export is that all graphics are drawn correctly. However, the fonts used for any text are smaller than the original size. This is due to the fact that a 12 point font is going to be smaller in the PDF because the internal resolution is 72 DPI while the screen canvas is 96 DPI. All resulting PDF text will be 75% of the size of the screen text when comparing results.

While it is not possible to scale up correctly in all cases, it would be possible to make the font size bigger when doing a PDF export. This could be done by calculating a new size of (font_size * 96) / 72. This would create a new font size that is exactly the correct size or one point size smaller than required. While this still is not exact method, it will be closer than the current processing.

Is there any setting in the the PDF export that I am not aware of that will do this text scaling? If not, is there any plans to add this?


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:44 am
by narcis
Hi MikeD,

Thanks for your suggestion. We tried this in the past but wasn't enough. Anyway, I've added your request to our wish-list to be investigated for next releases.