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TColorGridSeries ADDXYZ bug ?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 11:48 am
by 9337299

I'm having a problem with TColorGridSeries ADDXYZ differences between version 5 (and 6) and 7. I'm in the process of updating to the new version, but I get some strange errors. In my example is the onclick event of a button on a form which holds a chart. In version 5 the chart is filled with values from 0 to 90 following the values but in version 7 the chart is only filled with vales from 0 to 9 follwoing the index of Z NOT the value (as you would expect).

Does anybody have any ideas how to get arround this annoying bug ? Is there a new property in version 7 I must set, or is it a bug in teechart.


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FColorSeries : TColorGridSeries;
I : Integer;
step : Real;
FColorSeries := TColorGridSeries.Create(Chart1);
FColorSeries.IrregularGrid := True;
FColorSeries.ParentChart := Chart1;
FColorSeries.Pen.Visible := False;
FColorSeries.ShowInLegend := False;
FColorSeries.UseColorRange := False;
FColorSeries.UsePalette := True;

//Add pallette
FColorSeries.PaletteSteps := 10;

for I := 0 to 9 do begin
FColorSeries.AddPalette(I*10, RGB(255-I*10, 255-I*20, I*10));

Chart1.BottomAxis.SetMinMax(1, 2);
Chart1.LeftAxis.SetMinMax(0, 90);

step := 10;
//Add values
for I := 0 to 9 do begin
FColorSeries.AddXYZ(1, I*step, I*step);
FColorSeries.AddXYZ(2, I*step, I*step);

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:31 pm
by Pep
Hi Torben,

I'm able to see the problem here. It seems to be a bug. We'll review it for the next maintenance release of TeeChart.
In meantime I suggest you use the version 6 which works fine. If I find a workaround I'll notify asap.

Posted: Thu May 06, 2004 5:05 am
by Marjan

The "problem" is in version 7 we intruduced new algorithm which allows virtually unlimited zooming (up to single cell and more). But right now the algorithm works only for indexed cells i.e. integer equidistant valued cells. We're working on improving this so that the algorithm will support and work with non-integer uneqidistant cells.