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Please back SnapStyle property to TChartTool v.7.12 and high

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:16 am
by 9349531
In TeeChart Pro 7.07 version for C++Builder6
Cursor tool has property TSnapStyle:SnapStyle

Code: Select all

ChartTool1->SnapStyle = ssVertical; 
There is no such property in the version of a component for C++Builder2007
(TeeChart Pro v.7.12 Win32).
Without this property the cursor is drawn not on a series line.
Please back this property for version of a component for C++Builder2007 or fix this problem.

To NarcĂ­s: In my previous topic (21 Feb 2008 08:22 Cursor tool have't snap style... )
i have made a typing error. I have written "Style: TCursorToolStyle" though wished to write "SnapStyle: TSnapStyle". I ask to excuse.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:51 am
by Pep

yes, using this property in C++2007 there's an ambiguity with the 'Stdctrls::ssVertical'.
I've added this issue on our bug/wish to modify it for the next releases. In meantime a solution is to assign it by using :

Code: Select all

ChartTool1->SnapStyle = TSnapStyle(2);  // for Vertical..

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:03 am
by 9349531
Hi Pep,
Please, look into TeeTools.hpp (from TeeChart Pro v.7.12 Win32 C++Builder2007)
There is no SnapStyle property.
Compiler message: 'SnapStyle' is not a member of 'TCursorTool'!
Please back this property for version of a component for C++Builder2007

Cut from TeeTools.hpp (from TeeChart Pro v.7.12 Win32 C++Builder2007 ):

Code: Select all

class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TCursorTool : public Teengine::TTeeCustomToolSeries 
	typedef Teengine::TTeeCustomToolSeries inherited;
	__property Active  = {default=1};
	__property int ClickTolerance = {read=FClick, write=FClick, default=3};
	__property bool FollowMouse = {read=FFollowMouse, write=FFollowMouse, default=0};
	__property Pen ;
	__property Series ;
	__property bool Snap = {read=FSnap, write=FSnap, default=0};
	__property TCursorToolStyle Style = {read=FStyle, write=SetStyle, default=2};
	__property bool UseSeriesZ = {read=FUseSeriesZ, write=SetUseSeriesZ, default=0};
	__property TCursorToolChangeEvent OnChange = {read=FOnChange, write=FOnChange};
	__property TCursorToolChangeEvent OnSnapChange = {read=FOnSnapChange, write=FOnSnapChange};
	#pragma option push -w-inl
	/* TCustomChartElement.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TCursorTool(void) { }
	#pragma option pop

Cut from TeeTools.hpp (from TeeChart Pro v.7.07 Win32 C++Builder6):

Code: Select all

class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TCursorTool : public Teengine::TTeeCustomToolSeries 
	typedef Teengine::TTeeCustomToolSeries inherited;
TSnapStyle FSnapStyle;
	__property Active  = {default=1};
	__property int ClickTolerance = {read=FClick, write=FClick, default=3};
	__property bool FollowMouse = {read=FFollowMouse, write=FFollowMouse, default=0};
	__property Pen ;
	__property Series ;
	__property bool Snap = {read=FSnap, write=FSnap, default=0};

	__property TSnapStyle SnapStyle = {read=FSnapStyle, write=FSnapStyle, default=0};

	__property TCursorToolStyle Style = {read=FStyle, write=SetStyle, default=2};
	__property bool UseSeriesZ = {read=FUseSeriesZ, write=SetUseSeriesZ, default=0};
	__property TCursorToolChangeEvent OnChange = {read=FOnChange, write=FOnChange};
	__property TCursorToolChangeEvent OnSnapChange = {read=FOnSnapChange, write=FOnSnapChange};
	#pragma option push -w-inl
	/* TCustomChartElement.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TCursorTool(void) { }
	#pragma option pop

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:33 am
by narcis

As you can see here, SnapStyle property was implemented for TeeChart Pro v8 VCL.

We have also checked that neither v7.07 for C++ Builder 6 nor v7.12 for C++ Builder 6 and 2007 have this property on their TeeTools.hpp.

Could it be possible that you used an evaluation version of v8 and their hpp replaced v7's?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:47 am
by 9349531
Hi Narchs!
No, i'm not using an evaluation version of v8.
v7.07 for BCB 6 has SnapStyle. And this is the last version with SnapStyle for BCB6.
v7.07 for BCB 2007 and any other has not SnapStyle.
Tell me please, have you any plans to add this property to v7 Pro?
Or i need to buy v8 Pro?

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:13 am
by narcis

I've checked revisions of v7 and v8 source code and I can confirm that SnapStyle was implemented in v8.

Could you please post the installer where you say this property appears to a place where we can download it and send us its URL at info at steema dot com?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:38 am
by 9349531
Hi Narchs!

You can download it from

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:59 am
by 9349531
And you can see a little screen shot

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:31 am
by narcis

Thanks for the information. We have added SnapStyle property in our v7 sources. I'll send you necessary files. You can use TeeRecompile tool for compiling and installing them on your IDE.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:15 pm
by 9349531
Hi Narcis, biggest thanks! The problem with cursor snap style is resolved.

But there is another one. In v7.12 for BCB 2007 and BCB6 center of cursor (crosshair) draws not on a series line.
It was before update of my installation and still after.

You can download example (source and executable) of this problem from

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:43 pm
by narcis
Hi Narcis, biggest thanks! The problem with cursor snap style is resolved.
You're welcome. I'm glad to hear that.
But there is another one. In v7.12 for BCB 2007 and BCB6 center of cursor (crosshair) draws not on a series line.
It was before update of my installation and still after.
This is because the chart is in 3D. Cursor is plotted at Z=0 coordinate while series doesn't have 3D dimensions as it is a TFastLineSeries. You have 2 options to solve this:

1. Set chart to 2D:

Code: Select all

	Chart1->View3D = false;
2. Change the TFastLineSeries to a TLineSeries.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:23 am
by 9349531
Yes, you are right!

SnapStyle on 7.12

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:41 am
by 9342039
narcis wrote:Hi GAN,

Thanks for the information. We have added SnapStyle property in our v7 sources. I'll send you necessary files. You can use TeeRecompile tool for compiling and installing them on your IDE.
Hi, I've been looking for this SnapStyle property and I couldn't find it in my TeeChart 7.12 ver.

I can see that it suppose to be in 7.07, but how come it doesn't exist in my 7.12?

I have search through TeeChart 7.12 Full source code in the TeeTools.pas and SnapStyle just isn't there.

Thank you.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 8:39 am
by narcis
Hi ChainSmokinCoder,

I just sent you same files I sent to GAN.

Customer download

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:07 pm
by 9342039
I have received the files, much appreciated. However why aren't these put into TeeChart 7?