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Installation TChart 8, QuickReport 4 and Delphi 6

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:28 am
by 10048078
I have Delphi 6 and have just upgraded to QuickReport 4.07
I have installed TChart Pro 8.02 (no source)

Both QR and TChart appear to be installed just fine.

I have tried to add the TQR components to D6 but when I try and install
DclTQR86.dpk or TeeQR86.dpk I get
Application failed to start because qrpt60.bpl was not found
Now, this APPEARS to have been deleted during the installation of QR 4.
If I simply restore qrpt60.bpl then I get
Cannot load package qrpt60. it contains qrenved

Obviously I am way off beam somewhere. Can anyone help?


Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:40 am
by narcis
Hi AuditMaster,

You could try using the packages at C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 8.02 for Delphi 6\Delphi6\QuickReport. You may also need to adapt them to you QuickReport version as described in the QuickReport article here.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:04 am
by 10048078

OK, I now have QR 4 & TeeChart Pro 8 installed, components appear on the pallette and they work side by side no problem (applications compile a run fine). Its just the TQRChart component that is giving me trouble.

I can drop a TQRChart component on my form. I can add series to it and play with it at design time. I can compile it. The problem comes at runtime when I get

exception EAccessViolation with message "Access violation at address 0041E896 in module Project1.exe. Read of address 00000008

To try to pin down the root cause I have deleted the TQRChart component from the form and used the forms "OnCreate" method thus..

PQRChart1 := TQRChart.create(Self);
PQRDBChart1 := TQRDBChart.create(Self);

The create method works, but the QRChart does not appear. Not surprising really as its not gone through any additional "initialisation" that happens when it is created as a form component. Does that make sense?

Please, can anyone help



Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:20 am
by yeray
Hi Stuart,

Could you please try to run this example? This works fine for us here.

Code: Select all

uses QrTee, Series;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var PQRChart1: TQRChart;
    line1: TLineSeries;
  line1 := TLineSeries.Create(self);

  PQRChart1 := TQRChart.create(Self);
  PQRChart1.Parent := Self;

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 11:19 am
by 10048078
Thanks for that, I didn't make myself clear, sorry. Its not setting information at run time that is the real issue. The main point is that I cannot run an application when a chart component is dropped on the form. It will compile fine, but at run time it fails as described. The only reason I did the specific create is to help see if we can locate the problem.

Anyway, I decided to reinstall delphi on my laptop to provide a clean basis for investigation. The standard install of D6 (Enterprise) with update 2 applied and the "included" version of TChart works fine. As soon as I upgrade to TeeChart 8 I run into problems. Nothing to do with QR, place a standard chart component on a blank form and try to compile it and I get the following

Fatal error: Unit TeeProcs was compiled with a different version of system.RTLVersion

I do not want to go on and upgrade to QR4 and then try and rebuild the TQRchart components until I can drop a V8 Chart on a form and compile it (not a QRChart component, just a straightforward Chart)

Any thoughts



Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:36 am
by narcis
Hi Stuart,

Ok, you can solve RTL issue as told here.