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Mouse wheel scrolls chart although AllowPanning=pmNone

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:29 am
by 8441509
I have a horizontal bar chart, and although I have set the AllowPanning property of the chart to pmNone, it is possible to scroll this chart using the mouse wheel.

Shouldn't turn pmNone the scrolling off completely?

Best regards


Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:08 am
by narcis
Hi Joachim,

You can try what was suggested here.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:01 pm
by 8441509
Dear Narcis.

1. Setting TeeUseMouseWheel to False does not seem to chnage anything.

2. I would like that only those bar charts cannot be scrolled that fit on one page. But TeeUseMouseWheel seems to be a global variable and would so affect *all* charts.

3. Why did setting the AllowPanning property to pmNone not have the intended behaviour?

Best regards,


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:03 am
by Pep
Hi Joachim,
1. Setting TeeUseMouseWheel to False does not seem to chnage anything.
Setting this global property to False you shouldn't be able to scroll over it.
I've test it here. In case you still able to scroll it , please send me a simple app with which I can see the problem here (you can send me it directly to
2. I would like that only those bar charts cannot be scrolled that fit on one page. But TeeUseMouseWheel seems to be a global variable and would so affect *all* charts.
Yes, you're correct, as wheel mouses appear later than the first TeeChart Pro version, they are not controlled setting the AllowPanning property to False.
But, what you say is a good feature that we'll consider for the next TeeChart Pro releases (allow to specify to which Chart should affect the TeeUseMouseWheel).
For the moment a workaround would be to lock the Chart axis by using the SetMinMax property.
3. Why did setting the AllowPanning property to pmNone not have the intended behaviour?
Explained in the previous question.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:01 pm
by 8441509
Mouse wheels exist for at least 10 years now. Even if TChart V1.0 was there a few month before the mouse wheel, I don't see a reason why Steema was unable in the past 10 years to handle this in a proper way if AllowPanning is pmNone.