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Quickreport 3.62 and Delphi 5

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:42 pm
by 9231584
:cry: I ca't get the Quickreport part to work in delphi 5 because i am using QR ver 3.62

I have tried to remove the component and recompile it, but it still don't work!

In the readme file it says that there should be a dokument with information
on how to recompile the QR unit - but there is no such dokument

Please tell me what to do - My only reason to bye this software was because of the Quickreport solution.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:33 pm
by Marjan

Firstly, which TeeChart version are you using ? Secondy, can you be a bit more specific about "it doesn't work" ? What kind of an error do you receive when you try to compile TQRChart component packages ?

TQRChart sources and instructions how to compile it is included in all TeeChart (binary) installers. Check the TeeChart \DelphiX\QuickReport\ folder. Here is the install.txt (valid for Delphi 5 and TeeChart 5.02, but the same approach can be used for Delphi 4-6 and TeeChart v6, of course, with changed package names):

Installing QuickReport TQRChart source code.

Depending on which QuickReport version you have
installed on your machine, you might need to
manually recompile a small package for the QRChart
component to use the same QuickReport version you have.

This allows you to install TeeChart Pro with any
past or future QuickReport version with few efforts.

Recompilation is easy.


Check first you have QuickReport installed !

Visit QuickReport web site at for

If you have an old TeeChart or TeeChart Pro version,
recompilation will fail.

Install first the TeeChart Pro v5 packages !

If you are not a Steema customer, download the
"Free Upgrade Trial" version of TeeChart Pro 5 VCL from
our web site.

This upgrade can be found at the "VCL" page, clicking
on "Trial version Download" link.

Installation Steps:

1) Delete TeeQR55.dcp, QRTee.dcu, TeeQRTeeReg.dcu and DCLTQR55.DCU files
from the Delphi5\Lib folder. (If they exist).

2) Open Delphi 5.

3) Go to the "Component->Install packages" and remove the DclTQR45.bpl
package from the list (the "Remove" button).

4) Next, close all projects. Then go to the "File->Open project" menu
and pick the the TeeQR55.dpk package.

5) Now click the "Compile" button. The package should compile fine.
If you receive errors, see "TroubleShooting" below.

6) Open ("File->Open project" menu) the DclTQR55.dpk package.

7) Now click the "Compile" button. The package should compile fine.
If you receive errors, see "TroubleShooting" below.

8) Copy the compiled packages
(most probably they were compiled to Delphi5\Projects\BPL folder):

- TeeQR55.bpl to Windows\System (or WinNT\System32).
- DclTQR55.bpl to Delphi5\Bin.
- TeeQR55.dcp to Delphi5\Lib.
- DclTQR55.dcp to Delphi5\Lib.

- TeeQR55.dcu, TeeQRTeeReg.dcu and DCLTQR55.dcu to \Delphi5\Lib.

9) Go to the "Component->Install packages" press the "Add" button and
pick the DclTQR55.bpl package (located in Delphi5\Bin directory,
if you followed previous steps).

This should install the QRChart component at QReport component palette.

10) Remember to check the "Project->Options->Packages" dialog.
The new package name should be listed at the bottom edit-box.


Don't forget to copy all newly recompiled *.dcu files
(from the directory where you keep the files TeeQR55.dpk and DclTQR55.dpk)
to Delphi5\Lib directory.



Most common causes for installation problems are:

-missing files

When Delphi or C++ Builder compile this package, they try
to find the TeeChart Pro 5 and QuickReport units, either
in source code (*.pas) or compiled (*.dcu) format.

Check you have the correct paths to all units at
"Environment -> Options" dialogs.

-wrong files

If you have the original TeeChart Standard version included
free in Delphi 5,4,3 or C++ Builder 5,4,3, installation can fail
because the original compiled units have preference over
the new ones.

Check for existing TeeChart units at \Lib folder and replace
them with the new ones.


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 7:19 am
by 9231584
Thanks for your answer.

I'm using TeeChart version 7 - the newest

I'm getting a compilation error that says Quickreport and TeeQr is of different versions.

The file on how to recompile the quickreport components are NOT in
my ...\TeeChart7\Delphi5\QuickReport directory or any where else

Now I will try to follow the steps provided by you. I hope that will work
but I think it is a little too complicated - why haven't you done it
more simple like an automation compilation of these component

It still dosent work

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 7:43 am
by 9231584
Now I have tried to do as described

but I still get this error

Unit QrTee was compiled with a different version of QuickRpt.TQRPrintable

and i have also tried to copy the file qrtee.dcu to the lib folder

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:25 pm
by Pep

the error you receive indicates the duplicate (difrerent) version files somewhere in Delphi search paths. Make sure do the search in all directories in search paths (this includes TeeChart path).

You have to first delete all old TQRChart component files and then you can recompile the TQRChart sources.