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Traduction PB

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:04 pm
by 9640114
Hi ,

product with D2005 and Teechart PRO vcl7.04
actually i translate my program (frensh original) on English new version.

But in IDE i work whith ITE traductor and referenciel >>OK
if i run with my program (load ressource .ENG dll) >>OK
if Load Form with Teechart component >>ok

But when i use this functions

TeeExport(Self,Chart1); >> Error "ancestor no fount PageControl1"
EditChart(self,Chart1); >> Error "Ressources TchartEditForm no fount

I Think that Translation need ressourcesString in All Editor Teechart. (*.dfm)

How Do ??

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:57 pm
by narcis
Hi MD,

The problem is ITE translator is looking for original TeeChart units (TeeChart v4 Standard) when building translation resources. The only workaround we found was to copy TeeChart units to \lib\ folder and rename them to "old" units. For example, copy TeeAreaEdit.dfm to \lib\ folder and rename it to AreaEdit.dfm. There may be other solutions, but they all involve dirty tricks which seem to fool ITE.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:48 am
by 9237515
Thanks , I will try this now

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:29 pm
by 9237515

I have renamed files and moved files.
I can edit them with the ITE, this is OK.
But at the execution, there's some resources which are not found.
I test several ways but I come back to the same problem at execution. :evil:

An example with a little project you can found here :
(it will be ok to download it this time :wink:)
Execute Project1.exe, click on "Langue", you will see "ok English" at
the right -> the project is in english
Click on "Edit Grapheur" and navigate in the editors, you will see the
message "Resource TFormTee... not found".

Only "Data", "Print", "Chart"/"Series" tabpages work fine.

What is wrong ??

For this example :
TeeAreaEdit.dfm is renamed into AreaEdit.dfm
TeeArrowEdit.dfm .............. ArrowEdi.dfm
TeeAxisIncr.dfm ............... AxisIncr.dfm
TeeAxMaxMin.dfm ............... AxMaxMin.dfm
TeeBarEdit.dfm ................ BarEdit.dfm
TeeBrushDlg.dfm ............... BrushDlg.dfm
TeeBubbleEdit ................. BubblEdi.dfm
TeeCustEdit.dfm ............... CustEdit.dfm
TeeFLineEdi.dfm ............... FLineEdi.dfm
TeeGanttEdi.dfm ............... GanttEdi.dfm
TeeEditCha.dfm ................ IEditCha.dfm
TeePenDlg.dfm ................. PenDlg.dfm
TeePieEdit.dfm ................ PieEdit.dfm
TeeShapeEdi.dfm ............... ShapeEdi.dfm
TeeAbout.dfm is moved but same name
TeeGally.dfm is moved but same name
TeePrevi.dfm is moved but same name
TeExport.dfm is moved but same name

Arnaud Daneels
Sorry for the long message.

edit: I can finally devote all my time to this problem now