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Problem with printing aditional text

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:46 pm
by 9239733
Dear Support-Team,
I added to my chart aditional text with help of CalcXPosValue, CalcYPosValue and CanVas.TextOut. I'm using Canvas.Font.Size := 10. In the Chart on the windows, everything looks ok, but when I print with help of Chart1.PrintPartialCanvas(Printer.Canvas, Rect(0, 0, Printer.PageWidth,Printer.PageHeight)) the aditional text is so big, that it take all of the paper. How can I add the text, that in both cases the text is as big as the text from the axis.

Bent Walther
Developer of ABPInduction Systems GmbH, Dortmund

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 1:08 pm
by narcis
Hi Bent,

There are couple of possibilities:

1) If you're printing text, have you used Font.Height instead of Font.Size for font "size" ? This is important because if you are "painting" canvas to printer.canvas then you must use Font.Height (negative value!) to define font "size". Something like this:

Code: Select all

Chart1.Canvas.Font.Height := -11;

For more on Heigh vs. Size check Delphi help file.

2) The problem is all custom positioned object (rectangles, text, series marks) use screen pixels coordinates. While this is fine for screen it does not work for printer. Why ? The reason for this is if you print, TeeChart will internally change chart size (so that it fits in specified printer.Canvas region). The result is Chart size will change but the custom positioned items "positions" on printer canvas will remain the same (in screen pixel coordinates). This will result in custom items being drawn at wrong place. The solution : Ignore PrintPartialCanvas method and rather use the following method to print chart(s):

Code: Select all

	tmpMeta: TMetaFile; 
	OldColor : TColor; 
	Chart1.BevelOuter := bvNone; 
	OldColor := Chart1.Color; 
	Chart1.Color := clNone; 
	tmpMeta := Chart1.TeeCreateMetafile(true,Chart1.ClientRect); 
		Printer.Orientation := poLandscape; 
			Printer.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(1,1,Printer.PageWidth - 1, 
			Printer.PageHeight - 1),tmpMeta); 
		Chart1.BevelOuter := bvRaised; 
		Chart1.Color := OldColor; 

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 3:21 pm
by 9239733
Thank you very much,
it works perfectly, but I only had the first problem not the second one.
Thank you!