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Compiling Teechart in Kylix C++ Enterprise

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:09 pm
by 8575457
I have "TeeChart Pro 6.01 VCL / CLX WITH FULL SOURCE CODE"
and I want to use it with Kylix3 C++ Enterprise.

I can't compile source codes of TeeChart 6.01 to get headers needed in
Kylix3 C++ Enterprise.

"Unable to find header file for component: TeeProcs"
"Unable to find header file for component: TeeEngine"
"Unable to find header file for component: Chart"
"Unable to find static library: Tee6K3.a"

How can I do it?

PS. The same message I post to Steema at July 2003 and I have got answer:
<it seems to be problems compiling the TeeChart sources under kylix3 <C++. We are investigating and trying to find a solution. We'll let you <know something about it as soon as we can.

I'm still waiting for any positive answer, it's very important to me.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:27 pm
by Marjan
Hi, Marek.

One of our customers posted this on our newsgroups a while ago:

> Mr. Kaul
> Could you tell me how to compile the source files of Teechart by
> Kylix3 BCB?
> When I add the pas file into a project, I should select delephi
> compiler, is it right? When I compile files, it need vlcl.a, where it is?
> I'm a greenhand to TeeChart, could you tell me details? thank you
> very much!

You must create a dummy project under Kylix3 C++ and add all *.pas
files (of TeeChart 6 source code) to this project.
When you compile this project the C++ IDE of Kylix3 automaticaly
uses the delphi compiler for compiling of the pascal files and
creates the Headerfiles (*.hpp). This Headerfiles are needed when
using TeeChart 6 under Kylix3 C++. It is not necessary to link this
dummy project the most importand work is done by the Kylix3 C++ IDE
when it creates the Headerfiles so you can ignore all linking
errors when you compile the dummy project.

After that you have all things created (namely the Headerfiles)
that are needed by the compiler when you use TeeChart 6 in
your own C++ application. The second part is that the linker
also needs some files for linking TeeChart with your own application.
This files are the static part of the TeeChart libraries
(TeeChart 6 for Delphi comes only with the dynamic libraries, but
it is possible to create the static libraries using the dynamic ones.)

For each shared library your must create a new project (under
Kylix3 C++) of the type "static library" (File/New/Other/Library)
and name this project equal to the shared library
(be care of lower and upper characters).

Then you must add the corresponding shared library to the
project and compile it. The C++ Compiler then creates
the .a library (with the correct name).

hope it helps.

regards Martin Kaul

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:51 am
by 8575457
When I try to compile all *.pas sources, then compiler required vcl.a

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:47 am
by 8575457
Marjan wrote:
For each shared library your must create a new project (under
Kylix3 C++) of the type "static library" (File/New/Other/Library)
and name this project equal to the shared library
(be care of lower and upper characters).

Then you must add the corresponding shared library to the
project and compile it. The C++ Compiler then creates
the .a library (with the correct name).
I have done all like you wrote, but when I try to compile project, then c++ compiler generate "static library" with only 8 bytes long.

For example: shared lib "" and result "bplTee6K3.a" (8 byte).
It seems that shared lib doesn't link to static lib for this project.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 11:39 am
by 8575457
I think that the best solution of this problem is Steema should place in download section this missing headers and static library for customers of TeeChart for Kylix.

Still waiting for answer

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 7:22 am
by 8575457
Is anybody who know how to positive resolve this problem ?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 11:03 pm
by 8578964
I edited the file Tee6K3.bpg changing the line

DCC =dcc -u/root/kylix/lib $<


DCC =dcc -JPHNE -u/root/kylix/lib $<

then rebuilt the package from the command line using

source /root/kylix/bin/kylixpath
make -f Tee6K3.bpg

This created the .hpp files.
