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[SOLVED] LogarithmicBase error

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 6:32 pm
by 5889088

When I start my project in Borland C++ (version 6), I get the following error:
Error creating form: Error reading RTDBChart->BottomAxis.LogarithmicBase: Axis Logarithmic Base should be < > 1 and > 0.

This appears to have been a bug fixed in version 7.03. I'm using TeeChart Pro v7.06.

Any idea how I can set the Logarithmic Base to a valid value so the form gets created when I open the project?

Thanks, Michael

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 9:56 am
by Pep
Hi Michael,

which code are you using to reproduce the problem ?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:04 pm
by 5889088
I fixed the error by manually editing the dfm file. Here's what I had which caused the error:

Code: Select all

   object AnalyzerViewTabSheet: TTabSheet
      Caption = 'Analyzer View'
      object Panel2: TPanel
        Left = 0
        Top = 0
        Width = 901
        Height = 507
        Align = alClient
        AutoSize = True
        BevelOuter = bvLowered
        TabOrder = 0
        object RTDBChart: TDBChart
          Left = 216
          Top = 1
          Width = 684
          Height = 505
          Hint = 'Chart Graph'
          AutoRefresh = False
          Gradient.EndColor = clSilver
          PrintProportional = False
          Title.Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
          Title.Font.Color = clBlack
          Title.Font.Height = -17
          Title.Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
          Title.Text.Strings = (
            'Replace this with chart title')
          OnScroll = RTDBChartZoomUnZoom
          OnUndoZoom = RTDBChartZoomUnZoom
          OnZoom = RTDBChartZoomUnZoom
          BottomAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '0.000#'
          BottomAxis.ExactDateTime = False
          BottomAxis.Increment = 0.005
          BottomAxis.LabelsSeparation = 20
          BottomAxis.LabelStyle = talValue
          BottomAxis.LogarithmicBase = 0
          BottomAxis.MinorTickCount = 4
          BottomAxis.Ticks.Width = 2
          BottomAxis.Title.Caption = 'Frequency (MHz)'
          BottomAxis.Title.Font.Color = clNavy
          BottomAxis.Title.Font.Height = -16
          BottomAxis.Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
          Chart3DPercent = 3
          DepthAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '0.###'
          LeftAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '0.###'
          LeftAxis.ExactDateTime = False
          LeftAxis.Increment = 0.001
          LeftAxis.LabelStyle = talValue
          LeftAxis.Title.Angle = 270
          LeftAxis.Title.Caption = 'YYYYY'
          LeftAxis.Title.Font.Color = clRed
          LeftAxis.Title.Font.Height = -16
          LeftAxis.Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
          Legend.Visible = False
          RightAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '0.###'
          RightAxis.ExactDateTime = False
          RightAxis.Increment = 0.001
          RightAxis.LabelStyle = talValue
          RightAxis.Title.Caption = 'XXXXX'
          RightAxis.Title.Font.Color = clGreen
          RightAxis.Title.Font.Height = -16
          RightAxis.Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
          TopAxis.AxisValuesFormat = '0.###'
          TopAxis.LabelStyle = talValue
          TopAxis.Title.Font.Height = -21
          TopAxis.Title.Font.Style = [fsBold]
          TopAxis.Title.Visible = False
          TopAxis.Visible = False
          View3D = False
          Align = alClient
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          ParentShowHint = False
          ShowHint = False

I changed BottomAxis.LogarithmicBase = 0 to BottomAxis.LogarithmicBase = 0.1 and the project compiled without the error. I'm puzzled as to why the LogarithmicBase value wasn't disregarded as the BottomAxis-Scales-Logarithmic check box was UNCHECKED.
