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Not able to get TeeCharts to work for Delphi 7

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:03 pm
by 9345409
I installed TeeChartPro and after installation I get the following error when trying to start Delphi 7:

"Can't load package C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart for Delphi7\Delphi7\Bin\DCLTee77.bpl. Cannot load package 'Tee77.' It contains unit 'TeeAbout,'which is also contained in package 'tee70' "

I can't find anywhere in any of Delphi's installed packages or in the project options where anything is referencing 'tee70' which I presume is the version of TCharts that comes with Delphi 7. I would think the TeeChartPro installer would uninstall this package first. But still this conflict. The only references I can find to 'tee70' in the Delphi directory or even in the registry is in a list called disabled packages. Which one would think would disable this package. Removing these references also does nothing. It is baffling to me how Delphi even knows of the existence of tee70 anymore. It is my belief that the package 'tee70' would be defined in the file dcltee70.bpl - which still exists in the bin\ directory for Delphi - but even if I rename or remove this file I get this error on starting Delphi.

So far I am not impressed with your software!

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:08 am
by narcis
Hi GCole,

Your message error means that, in some way, Delphi still references TeeChart Standard packages.

Your guessings are right. The installer should have removed those packages, did you receive any error when installing? I'd suggest you to search your hard drive (specially Delphi 7 and Windows\System32 folders) for *tee70* files and backup/remove them. Then you should make sure that TeeChart Pro v7 "Bin" and "Lib" folders are on top of the search path list.

OK... new problem

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:39 am
by 9345409
I found that another suite of components we bought and installed - install tee70.bpl into the system32 directory. The components I'm talking about is the DevExpress Printing Service components. Apparently - if I disable or remove the tee70.bpl - then the DevExpress Printing service compoents stop working......arghh...

Not sure what to do from here - at this point I can use one set of components or the other - but not both....

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 8:42 am
by narcis
Hi GCole,

We have recently been reported about similar issues and we are currently investigating TeeChart's compatibility with DevExpress components. When further news are available we will try to post them here.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:10 pm
by narcis
Hi GCole,

Please see my reply here about this issue.