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Linker error - Cannot find TeeFunne.res

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:03 pm
by 9338103

I just downloaded and installed TeeChart 7.06 for Builder 6 (using 6.0 Personal). My program was developed using TeeChart 7. My code compiles fine with the new version, but I get the following linker error:

[Linker Error] Unable to open file 'TEEFUNNE.RES'

This resource file does not exist in ver. 7.06, but does exist in ver. 7. I copied the file into the lib directory in 7.06 to see if that would correct the problem, but then I get the following linker errors:

[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Teengine::TCustomAxisPanel::AddSeries(const Teengine::TChartSeries *)' referenced from FOO.OBJ

[Linker Warning] Duplicate resource: Type 2 (BITMAP), ID TFUNNELSERIES; File \LIB\TEEPROBM.RES resource kept; file \LIB\TEEFUNNE.RES resource discarded.

I'm assuming something having to do with the AddSeries function call for TChart was moved from TeeFunne.res to TeeProBm.res, but I don't know how to resolve this in my program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:29 am
by Pep

most likely the problem is your project still referencing to the TEEFUNNE.RES file. Try manually editing project bpg file, remove this reference and compile it again.

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 9:00 pm
by 9338103
Thank you for the suggestion, Pep, but the Borland project bpr file contains no reference to this res file (it references its own project.res file); nor do any of the other files associated with this project from what I have been able to see. Are there any other possible causes?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:32 am
by Pep

It looks to me you have duplicate (old and new) Teechart files. Try removing all old TeeChart files from C++ Builder \lib, \lib\obj and \include\vcl directories. Normally TeeChart installer removes old TeeChart files as new version is installed. But sometimes some files are not removed (if you for example manually copied some TeeChart files, compiled/installed TeeChart via source code, installed another 3rd party product which includes some TeeChart compiled units...).
resource discarded.
[Linker Warning] Duplicate resource: Type 2 (BITMAP), ID TFUNNELSERIES; File \LIB\TEEPROBM.RES resource kept; file \LIB\TEEFUNNE.RES resource discarded.
Try to backup/remove TEEFUNNE.* files from \lib\obj directory.