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Stop a Zoom from updating chart canvas ?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 9:20 pm
by 9333098
Is there any way to stop a chart zoom from updating its canvas so the new chart will not be seen ? I would still need to use the OnZoom event to access the zoomed axis values.

When a Bar3D series having a CustomBarWidth is zoomed, the bar widths no longer have the same proportion. They can be reassigned in the OnZoom event, but by that point the zoomed chart with different CustomBarWidths has already been displayed and distracts the user.


Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 10:01 am
by Pep
Hi Steve,

how about using the AutoRepaint property ?
Chart1.AutoRepaint := false;
Setting it to false will not repaint the Chart when you do a Zoom,..