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Problem with TSurfaceNearestTool and TSurfaceSeries

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:41 pm
by 9340257

I have create a Chart with one SurfaceSeries and I want to use the SurfaceNearest tool.
My data is irregular. Chart and Series data is available as an exported file (*.tee format) to show the following problem:
If I move the Cursor over the chart filled with data I only see a green column line and not the blue row line nor the selected (red) cell. The GetRowCol method works fine and give me the correct row and column number.
If the chart is filled with generated data (algorithm from the demo source) all works fine.

Why does the tool works not as expected?


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:51 pm
by narcis
Hello Steven,

It works fine here using the latest VCL version (7.04), adding a SurfaceSeries populated using FillSampleValues method and adding a SurfaceNearest tool.

Could you please send us a sample project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here? You can post it at [url]news://[/url] newsgroup.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:02 pm
by 9340257
Thank you for your quick answer.
Sorry, but it is not possible for me to use Newsgroups. Our IT-Dep. does not allow it. I will send it you via Email. I got the adress ( :wink: ) from the thread before.

I use Win2k, Delphi 6 and TeeChart Pro VCL 7.04


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:53 am
by narcis
Hi Steven,
Sorry, but it is not possible for me to use Newsgroups. Our IT-Dep. does not allow it. I will send it you via Email. I got the adress ( ) from the thread before.
I have already seen your e-mail. What happens that everybody is blocking newsgroups :roll:?

Could you please send me an example project we can run "as-is" to reproduce the problem here? Loading the .tee file you sent me I get an error that may be because I don't have the same elements you had in your project.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:08 am
by narcis
Hi Steven,

I've been able to run your project and reproduce the problem.

In some cases TSurfaceNearesTool works ok.

To check it please use the TTeeCommander buttons to rotate and zoom the chart so that you view it from the top. Now "play" a little moving the mouse over the surface to the area on the left and you'll see rows and columns colours. In some regions of the surface you will only see the rows because of the type of surface you created. Maybe you will have to try rotating and moving the mouse for this to work.

I've included the issue to our deffect list to be fixed for future releases.