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Problems building with 7.0.4. Tannotation tool, Left and Top

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:51 pm
by 8576762
I just upgraded to Teechart 704 (I'm using it with BCB6).

I get the following errors upon building my project.
[C++ Error] TeeTools.hpp(894): E2272 Identifier expected
[C++ Error] TeeTools.hpp(895): E2272 Identifier expected

Lines 894 and 895 are:
__property int Left = {read=GetLeft, write=SetLeft, stored=false, nodefault};
__property int Top = {read=GetTop, write=SetTop, stored=false, nodefault};
If I comment out these two lines, then it's ok.

Any ideas?

-Jon Engelbert

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 12:31 pm
by Marjan
Hi, Jon.

Hm... The hpp files are autogenerated from Delphi units and shouldn't be changed. Lines you mentioned are two published TAnnotationTool properties.

Which TeeChart version did you use before 7.04 ?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 10:15 pm
by 9234333
Before, I was using 7.03. And it worked fine.
Another problem I'm getting with 7.0.4, the TCursorTool, I change the YValue to track the signal (with interpolation, that's why I'm doing it manually), but it insists on tracking the cursor. I checked and Snap is off, as well as FollowMouse is off. I've wasted most of today on this bug with no luck.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:25 pm
by 9234333
Here's the deal. I've noticed that the ordering and inclusion/exclusion of different header files affects these compile errors with C++ Builder. So there's not really a problem with the include file, but something else (I don't know what) that was included before it, or that was omitted from being included, was the problem.

On a separate note, the auto-inclusion of header files within the form's header file makes C++ Builder's build times very slow. I've gone to the length of #defining out whole sets of include statements within my form's include files. I don't know if this is a "feature" of BCB or of Teechart, but it's annoying. The reason it is slow is that it takes a long time to read 20 or more include files. And I use Precomiled headers, so I don't need to read in all of these headers for each form since they're already in the precompiled header.

Finally, I found a solution to my problem with the TCursorTool. The solution was to make a new TCursor tool with FollowMouse = false, and use that. I had previously been using one cursor tool, and, at runtime, changine its FollowMouse to true and false and back, at the user's will. It seems that once the cursor tool's FollowMouse is true, it doesn't go back.

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:55 pm
by 9234333
Some more important information on the Teetools.h compile problems.
I am using Dew Research's tools along with TeeChart.
When I replaced TeeTools.h with SignalTeeTools.h (from Dew Research's library), the buld problems disappeared. SignalTeeTools.h includes TeeTools within it, along with other headers... so I think that perhaps I was missing a header that was needed by TeeTools.h previously.