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UsePartnerAxis, PartnerAxis do not limit the grid lines

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:13 pm
by 16579754
According reference, Grid zoning (defined with UsePartnerAxis, PartnerAxis) permits the pairing of Axes so that Gridlines plotted from either Axis are delimited by the zone of the partner. But at least in version 2017.21.170329, when 2 custom axes are used, the grid lines are through the whole chart. see:
Current2.png (22.47 KiB) Viewed 8670 times
. Desired:
desired2.png (22.09 KiB) Viewed 8665 times

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  ax, ay: TChartAxis;
  ser: TFastLineSeries;
  ax:= Chart1.CustomAxes.Add;
  ax.Horizontal:= TRUE;
  ax.StartPosition:= 20.0;
  ax.EndPosition:= 80.0;
  ax.PositionPercent:= 20;
  ax.axis.Color:= clBlue;

  ay:= Chart1.CustomAxes.Add;
  ay.StartPosition:= 20.0;
  ay.EndPosition:= 80.0;
  ay.PositionPercent:= 20;
  ay.Axis.Color:= clRed;

  ax.UsePartnerAxis:= TRUE;
  ax.PartnerAxis:= ay;

  ay.UsePartnerAxis:= TRUE;
  ay.PartnerAxis:= ax;

  ser:= TFastLineSeries.Create(Chart1);
  ser.CustomHorizAxis:= ax;
  ser.CustomVertAxis:= ay;

How can I make the grid lines to show only in the area limited by the custom axes?
Thanks in advance

Re: UsePartnerAxis, PartnerAxis do not limit the grid lines

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 7:25 am
by yeray

What TeeChart version are you using?

This is what I get with your code in TeeChart Pro v2017.22:

I only added this to your code:

Code: Select all


Re: UsePartnerAxis, PartnerAxis do not limit the grid lines

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:44 pm
by 16579754
hello Yeray,
Thank you for the quick answer. As I mentioned in my post, version 2017.21 is used, but from your post I understand that the problem persists also in 2017.22 in 3DView mode.

Chart1.View3D:= FALSE sorts the problem until we put TTeeCommander.
CommanderUsed.png (46.99 KiB) Viewed 8651 times
As soon as drag/zoom buttons of TTeeCommander are used - the chart switches to 3DView mode and the grid is not clipped anymore. Some time ago I found a suggested solution for this problem to keep the chart in 3DView mode with 1% (may be by you).

In my opinion, there are several issues that should be fixed at some point (better sooner than later):
- TTeeCommander should not change 3DView mode to TRUE after drag or zoom.
- CustomAxis with PartnerAxis set should clip the grid lines even in 3DView.
- It should be possible to set that a CustomAxis reacts on Zoom event or ignores it (off current topic, but just to mention it).

PartnerAxis was introduced in 2010, as I could read. I cannot understand how nobody reported the problem.

Best regards

Re: UsePartnerAxis, PartnerAxis do not limit the grid lines

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:34 am
by yeray
hel wrote:As I mentioned in my post, version 2017.21 is used
Sorry, I missed that part.
hel wrote:but from your post I understand that the problem persists also in 2017.22 in 3DView mode.

Chart1.View3D:= FALSE sorts the problem until we put TTeeCommander.
That's right. It works as you wish for 2D only, also with the default axes:

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uses Series;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var ser: TFastLineSeries;

  with Chart1.Axes.Bottom do
    StartPosition:= 20.0;
    EndPosition:= 80.0;
    PositionPercent:= 20;
    Axis.Color:= clBlue;

  with Chart1.Axes.Left do
    StartPosition:= 20.0;
    EndPosition:= 80.0;
    PositionPercent:= 20;
    Axis.Color:= clRed;

  ser:= TFastLineSeries.Create(Chart1);
hel wrote:- TTeeCommander should not change 3DView mode to TRUE after drag or zoom.
I'm afraid the Zoom feature only works in 2D for OpenGL. The rest of Canvases need 3D to Zoom, so they force it.
You can try OpenGL with this:

Code: Select all

uses TeeGLCanvas;
hel wrote:- CustomAxis with PartnerAxis set should clip the grid lines even in 3DView.
I've added it to the public tracker and already fixed it for the next maintenance release.
hel wrote:- It should be possible to set that a CustomAxis reacts on Zoom event or ignores it (off current topic, but just to mention it).
By default CustomAxes don't automatically zoom so you have to implement it by code. Don't hesitate to let us know if you find problems with it.