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Marks not displaying on stacked bar charts

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:29 pm
by 16566546
Previously my code used self stacked bar charts, and marks displayed correctly. However, I have changed to mbStacked bar charts as I want to specify the x-axis location of each bar chart. Now the marks are not displayed. The code I use to generate each series is shown.
What am I doing wrong?

Code: Select all

 procedure AddRockSeries(AXValue,AYValue:double;ALabel:string;AColor:integer);
    LTitle: string;

    LSeries := TBarSeries.Create(owner.chart);
    LSeries.Marks.Visible := True;
    LSeries.MultiBar := mbStacked;
    LSeries.CustomBarWidth := 60;
    LSeries.Marks.Font.Size := 8;
    LSeries.Marks.Pen.Color := clBlack;
    LSeries.BarPen.Color := clBlack;
    LSeries.Marks.Clip := True;
    LSeries.MarksLocation := mlCenter;
    LSeries.MarksOnBar := True;
    LSeries.ShowInLegend := False;
    LSeries.VertAxis := aLeftAxis;
    LSeries.HorizAxis := aBottomAxis;

Re: Marks not displaying on stacked bar charts

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:32 pm
by 16566546
Oops - my error. Please cancel this query. A bMarksVisible parameter in our units-aware TUnitsBarSeries class was available to the Self Stacked option but not to the Stacked option, so it was always read as false.

Thanks and regards
