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Funnel - set segments to different widths?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:09 pm
by 16475083

Is it possible to set the funnel's segments to different widths and fill them completely?

I'm trying to do a sales funnel and I need it to be horizontal like the funnel but with each segment completely filled in and with the varying widths indicating the value differences

Is this possible with the funnel?

This COULD be done with the pyramid if I could get the pyramid horizontal instead of vertical. This would look MUCH better.

Is it possible to set the pyramid to horizontal instead of vertical?


Re: Funnel - set segments to different widths?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:25 am
by narcis
Hi MVBobj,
MVBobj wrote: Is it possible to set the funnel's segments to different widths and fill them completely?

I'm trying to do a sales funnel and I need it to be horizontal like the funnel but with each segment completely filled in and with the varying widths indicating the value differences

Is this possible with the funnel?
Not with Funnel series but with VolumePipe. Some of this is possible with TFunnelSeries.AddSegment method. To achieve what you request you need to provide same values for Quote and Opportunity values. However, there seems to be no variable segment widths. TVolumePipeSeries fills in segments completely and supports variable segment width, for example:

Code: Select all

uses TeeConst;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
const NumValues = 10;
var LabelSampleStr : Array[0..4] of String;
    t : Integer;

  for t:=0 to NumValues-1 do
      Series1.Add( 1+Random(ChartSamplesMax), { <-- Value }
           LabelSampleStr[t mod 5]);      { <-- Label }

MVBobj wrote: This COULD be done with the pyramid if I could get the pyramid horizontal instead of vertical. This would look MUCH better.

Is it possible to set the pyramid to horizontal instead of vertical?
The only option I can think of is using the TChart3D component, at the TeeMaker tab and tilt it at the 3D -> OpenGL section in the editor.