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45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:58 pm
by 16555721
I just moved a project from version 2011 to 2014 and I found that when I set the angle of values on the bottom axis of a bar chart to 45%, they are no longer aligned properly. Before values were all aligned and distributed properly, the last character of each label was at an equal distance from the bottom axis with equal space between labels. Now, the distance of the last character from the bottom axis depends on the length of the word, so some labels do overlap. It seems like the labels are centered. The result is quite ugly.

See a sample graph before:


and see the bottom labels after:


Is there a new option I should be aware of? If not, I would probably have to go back to version 2011.


Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:45 pm
by yeray

Last versions of TeeChart switched the default engine from GDI to GDIPlus but you can still activate GDI as mentioned here.

If changing to GDI doesn't make it work as you wish, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:03 pm
by 16555721
Unfortunately, it does not make any difference. Labels in 2014 are still badly aligned.


Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:55 am
by yeray
Hi Normand,

We are working on the rotation for the axis labels in different situations, as you can see in the comments in this ticket:

Please stay tuned.

Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:13 pm
by 16555721
Well, all those a single line labels, so I hope your attempt to fix the issue with multiple lines will also fix the issue with single line labels.

I'm not sure what changed, but it appears that labels are centered vertically in version 2014, while they were right aligned to the bottom axis in version 2011. Centering them seems to be causing this. The shorter they are, the lower they become.


Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:38 am
by yeray
Hi Normand,

I've attached a project we use here for testing the axis labels rotation. As you'll see it includes the option to use multi-line.

Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:18 pm
by 16555721

I understand that you are working on ways to support axis labels rotation for multilines, but I don't understand why this is relevant to me who can no longer display single line labels properly.

The only think that I do understand is that while working on the support of rotated multiline labels, the proper display of single line labels was broken. It is unfortunate since I can't use the 2014 version without breaking an existing feature of my existing application: 45% labels on bar charts.

Do you have any suggestion as to ways to fix those labels in my application? I will explore the Texts.Size property or maybe I could just fill short labels with spaces? If I can't find it, I will go back to the 2011 version.

Any idea when the display of rotated single line labels will be fixed?

Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:41 pm
by 16555721
After testing, I can see that the Texts.Size does not work. Filling labels with space do work and I can create a barchart with 45 degree labels properly aligned, but it is not a workable solution since all other settings (label angles) or other charts created with this data will be distorted.

So for now, my solution is to go back to a prior version. I still need to figure out which version I will move to. 2013? 2012?

If you know when this change was made, I could at least reverse to a version just prior to it while waiting for you to fix this newly introduced bug.

Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:14 pm
by 16555721
The problem appeared with the November 2013. The march version works fine, so I moved back to this version. Extensive changes were made to the DrawAxisLabels in TeEngine, so my guess is that the problem lies here.

Surely hope you can fix this soon.


Re: 45% angle no longer aligned properly

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:42 am
by yeray
Hello Normand,

Excuse us for the inconvenience and thanks for sharing your investigations!
I know the problem here is with single line axis labels; It looked so similar to the multi-line problem that I thought it was a good idea to put things together, to test both situations at the same time.

I'm afraid I can't tell you when this will be fixed, but you can follow the ticket adding your mail to the CC list to be automatically notified when an update arrives.