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How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:57 am
by 16467044

I added a charrtool at runtume:

(Chart1.Tools.Items[1] as TCursorTool).Series:=line1;

How to NAME my tool?

I want to address it by e.g.
Form1.MyFunnyCursor. ..... := *anything *

in other words: How to encode, that "Chart1.Tools.Items[1]" is known as "MyFunnyCursor"?
(or Chart1.Tools.MyFunnyCursor)


Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:04 am
by 10050769
Hello Cheryll,

To encode a tool is added directly to the chart, you must do the same as code below:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
var MyCursor :TCursorTool;
    MyCursor := Chart1.Tools.Items[0] as TCursorTool;
    Self.MyCursor := Series1;
Hoping it will help.
Thanks in advance,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:12 am
by 16467044
Hi Sandra,

thank you!
This works nicely.
Unfortunately it causes 2 add-on questions.

(is "Sandra" German? in case not: "Fadenkreuz" = "Crosshair")

So this works fine in my code:
Fadenkreuz:= Chart_MP.Tools.Items[0] as TCursorTool;

non of this attempts works:
// Chart_MP.Fadenkreuz:=candle1;
// Chart_MP.Tools.Fadenkreuz:=candle1;
// Fadenkreuz.ParentChart:=Chart_MP;
// Chart_MP.Tools.Item.Fadenkreuz:= candle1;
// Fadenkreuz.Parent:=Form_MPs; {Form_MPs is the container}

The error-message keeps saying "Fadenkreuz is not known".
I declared all Vars in the interface part oy my unit Form_MPs.

So my addon-questions:
1) How can I addres "Fadenkreuz" from another unit?
2) How can I find out the items number (in our case zero) of Fadenkreuz later on?
(in my software there will be checkboxes to check and uncheck different drawing tools).

I use both types TChart and TDBChart.

Thank you!

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:48 pm
by 10050769
Hello Cheryll,

We are working with it, we will try to give you a good answer in short time as possible.

Thanks in advance,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:40 pm
by 16467044

thank you.

To add: I would need an OnChange event on my "Fadenkreuz" to synchronzise it with a subchart crosshair.
The procedure is ready and looks fine, but I have no idea, how to fit the onChange event.
At the moment I am not able to pass on "Fadenkreuz" with proper values. They stay zero.

The call would be:

Code: Select all

(The content is taken from the Steema help and will probably work fine:
Procedure TZeichenTools.CursorSynchronize( Source, Dest: TCursorTool );
Dest.ParentChart.AutoRepaint:=False; // stop repainting
Dest.RedrawCursor; // hide cursor
Dest.YValue := Source.YValue;
Dest.XValue := Source.XValue;
Dest.RedrawCursor; // draw cursor again
Dest.ParentChart.AutoRepaint:=True; // enable repainting)

Warm Regards,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:53 am
by 10050769
Hello Cheryll,

Sorry for the delay. We have been investigating how you can do as you want, but I am afraid we need your code. Could you please, send us your project because we can try to find a good solution for you?

Thanks in advance,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:50 am
by 16467044
Hi Sandra,

the code is linked to a DB, which unfortunately cannot be sent.
And why do you need my code? This question has nothing to do with my code.

We want to know, how to address "Fadenkreuz" (or however you will name the runtime-created CursorTool) in a plain "Form1" (see above).
"Form1.Fadenkreuz" does not work.
What works?



Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:36 am
by 16567885
I'm confused. The cursor tool is a regular component, just like the chart itself, a button or whatever. You can rename it to whatever you like:
charttool.png (37.27 KiB) Viewed 25207 times
This also enables you to use this reference in code (like "myFancyFadenkreuz.Active := checkItsRainingOutside();") without having to introduce another variable or do any casting.

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:37 pm
by 16467044
Hi Jens,

thank you for your reply.

Are we talking about the same?
The topic is a cursor tool named and added at RUNTIME.
(see above code in the thread)


Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:02 am
by 10050769
Hello Cheryll,

Sorry for the dealy.
And why do you need my code? This question has nothing to do with my code.
We wanted see the code are you using, because it would be very useful for us to find an accurate solution based in your code.
1) How can I addres "Fadenkreuz" from another unit?
To address your cursor from another unit, you have to declare the tool as public in your unit and add this unit in the uses clause on the unit where you want to access the tool.You can do something as next:
Tool declaration:

Code: Select all

 unit Unit1;
  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs,Chart, CandleCh, Series, TeeTools;
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }
    { Public declarations }
Call the tool from other unit:

Firstly, add the unit1 in the uses clause on the unit where you want to access the tool. The lines code below show how you can do it:

Code: Select all

uses  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs,Unit1...
Then you need only call the tool as do next:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Form1.MyCursor.Pen.Color := clRed;
2) How can I find out the items number (in our case zero) of Fadenkreuz later on?
(in my software there will be checkboxes to check and uncheck different drawing tools).
The best way to get the tools indexes there are in Chart, is use a loop to search tool index you want; in your case, cursor tool. The code below shows how you can do it.

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var i,indexCursor:Integer;
  candle1:=Chart1.AddSeries(TCandleSeries) as TCandleSeries;
  line1:=Chart1.AddSeries(TLineSeries) as TLineSeries;
  for i := 0 to Chart1.Tools.Count-1 do
    If Chart1.Tools[i] is  TCursorTool then
      indexCursor:= i;
  MyCursor := Chart1.Tools.Items[indexCursor] as TCursorTool;
  MyCursor.Series := line1;
Also, I would like inform you that "Tools" are small objects that perform additional charting functionality, like interactive drawing of lines, mouse rotation, etc. Therefore, you don’t have access to own tools through Chart and the code you use in the lines below is incorrect:

Code: Select all

// Chart_MP.Fadenkreuz:=candle1;
// Chart_MP.Tools.Fadenkreuz:=candle1;
// Chart_MP.Tools.Item.Fadenkreuz:= candle1; 
The only code line you have attached me that should work without problems is next:

Code: Select all

There is more information about TeeChart tools in the help documentation. You find the help documentation in a similar path as next:
%Program Files%\ Steema Software\TeeChart 2014 for RAD XE6\Docs
I would need an OnChange event on my "Fadenkreuz" to synchronzise it with a subchart crosshair.The procedure is ready and looks fine, but I have no idea, how to fit the onChange event. At the moment I am not able to pass on "Fadenkreuz" with proper values. They stay zero.
I would like inform you that when you create an own tool that is based in a specifically tool, you can use same methods and events there are implemented in base tool. Therefore, you should use OnChange event and do the same as do in Demo example All Features\Tools\Cursor\Synchronizing Two.

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:45 pm
by 16467044
Hi Sandra,

thank you very much for your reply.
It starts to work now.
The origin of the problem was, that we want to synchronise 2 CursorTools.
So about this code ("finding the crosshair = fadenkreuz"):

perhaps I split the problem:

a) FINDING myCursor by name

your posting was:

Code: Select all

 for i := 0 to Chart1.Tools.Count-1 do
    If Chart1.Tools[i] is  TCursorTool then
      indexCursor:= i;
  MyCursor := Chart1.Tools.Items[indexCursor] as TCursorTool;
As far as I understand it, this will give a match for the second added cursor tool, but not for the first one.
I need both of them to synchronize them.

Is it a good idea to look for "MyCursor"?
Unfortunately ...Tools.Items[indexCursor] .name"
has the value ' '.
So '.name' seems not the correct choice?

In other words:
How can I "catch" my both CursorTools in a way, that allows me to say,
"SynchroniceMyCursorTools(mycursortool1, mycursortool2);"
and send e.g. the thing to a function

The thing is, we never know, if and how many subcharts with crosshairs the user has asked for.
May be there is none, maybe 5 of them.

Assigning the thing.
To declare the item from within my Form would work nicely. Unfortunately I am asked every little scratch again,
"this...has no assigned component. Do you like to remove it"?
Is there a way to teach the compiler, not to ask anymore?
It is nagging and sooner or later I hit "yes" by mistake.

Thank you,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:44 pm
by 10050769
Hello Cherryll,
a) FINDING myCursor by name.....
As I have told you previously, we would like see the code are you using, because it would be very useful for us to find an accurate solution for you. Therefore, could you please send us a simple code where we can see, exactly, what are you doing, because we try to find a good solution for you?
b) Assigning the thing.
To declare the item from within my Form would work nicely. Unfortunately I am asked every little scratch again,
"this...has no assigned component. Do you like to remove it"?
Is there a way to teach the compiler, not to ask anymore?
It is nagging and sooner or later I hit "yes" by mistake.
I am afraid I don’t understand what you want achieve, the explanation you have posted is very generic. We need a more specific explanation, so we can offer you a good answer. Could you please explain exactly what do you want achieve?

Thanks in advance,

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:41 pm
by 16467044

thank you for your answer.

I need a crosshair, which shows up at all my chart's series from top to bottom.

It is not bad will, that I do not add my code. The code is connected to a DB.
Obviously I cannot publish the DB.

So you want me to me to build an easy version of the problem?
- Well, this is what I have tried all the time.

The base problem is a ridicoulous little line, I cannot grab.
Some code done by the support and me you will find here: ... =3&t=14908

The story behind is this:
I have several series and several axis. The annoying thing: The crosshair does not show all over these series, ....
(see the old topic and screenshot).

So the old solution / workaround was: 'add 2 crosshairs and "synchronize" them.'
Adding is easy, but how to synchronize them? The point is, that I do not know, how many series/crosshairs there will be at runtime.
So I cannot use the synchronize example from the help directly.
I tried it in a function where I wanted to send both the cursors to.

procedure MyDrawingToolUnit . MySynchronizeGenie(cursor1,cursor2);

Did not work for me, because I could not ADRESS my crosshairs "anytime at runtime".
So: This was the beginning of "our story" / thread.

If you need some code example, please look at the source codes and screenshots of the old thread.
For the "new" problem, I do not have an example.
If I had it, there would be not need to ask for it any more.

Thank you for having read down to here.


Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:28 am
by yeray
Hi Cheryll,

Find below a simple example, based on the last code at the thread you've just referenced showing how to put your TCursorTools in an array as you create them and how to use the TCursorTools OnChange event to synchronize all the TCursorTools in the array:

Code: Select all

uses Chart, CandleCh, Series;

var MyCursorTools: array of TCursorTool;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    Chart_MP: TChart;
    candle1: TCandleSeries;
    line1: TLineSeries;
    rsiFunc1: TRSIFunction;
    MyAxis : TChartAxis;


  candle1:=Chart_MP.AddSeries(TCandleSeries) as TCandleSeries;

  line1:=Chart_MP.AddSeries(TLineSeries) as TLineSeries;

  MyAxis := TChartAxis.Create(Chart_MP);
  line1.CustomVertAxis := MyAxis;



  with AddCursorToArray((Chart_MP.Tools.Add(TCursorTool) as TCursorTool)) do

  with AddCursorToArray((Chart_MP.Tools.Add(TCursorTool) as TCursorTool)) do

function TForm1.AddCursorToArray(ACursor: TCursorTool): TCursorTool;
var i: Integer;

  for i:=Low(MyCursorTools) to High(MyCursorTools) do
    if ACursor = MyCursorTools[i] then

  SetLength(MyCursorTools, Length(MyCursorTools)+1);


procedure TForm1.CursorChange(Sender:TCursorTool; x,y:Integer; Const XValue,YValue:Double; Series:TChartSeries; ValueIndex:Integer);
var i: Integer;
  for i:=Low(MyCursorTools) to High(MyCursorTools) do
    if Sender <> MyCursorTools[i] then

Re: How to NAME a charttool?

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 1:49 pm
by 16467044
Hello Yeray,

thank you so much!
This solution is genius.

Warm Regards,