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Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:40 pm
by 16565449

a polar chart that was round in all compilers starting from BDS2006 to Delphi XE3 turned from round to oval in XE4.
However, it is not Delphi, other round components are still drawn round.
Please look at the images, the Teechart versions are displayed there.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:21 am
by yeray

Since the TPolarSeries inherits from TCircledSeries, it has a Circled property. Try setting it to true:

Code: Select all


Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:08 pm
by 16565449
That Chart has 4 series, the Circled property checkmark was set on all of them.
The circle responds to the checkmark, it becomes round (or at least nearly round) when the checkmark is NOT set.
Please note that I used the identical files (pas & dfm) for both shreenshots.
So it muste be more than just a property Setting.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:16 pm
by yeray
Hello Gerhard,

We'd need some extra information because I create a new simple application with the code below and the polar always looks circled:
testPolar.png (73.04 KiB) Viewed 15947 times

Code: Select all

uses TeePolar, Series;

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var i: Integer;
  for i:=0 to 3 do
    with Chart1.AddSeries(TPolarSeries) as TPolarSeries do
Could you please arrange a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here?
Thanks in advance.

Also please specify what exact TeeChart version are you using.

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:48 am
by 16565449
While trying tp provide a demo Project I ran in the ever lasting error "Teexxx was compiled with with a different Version of Teeyyy".
I can compile a whole Project with new Delphi/TeeChart comtaining the exact same chart without having this Problem, but as soon as I create a new project and copy the previously working Chart I get this error.
I first have to solve it, but am on Holidays next week.
The TeeChart Version is V2013.08.130521 32Bit VCL, I already notified you about that number in my first Problem Report.
Gehard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:59 am
by 16565449
Hello Yeary,

I looked on the whole PC for old TeeChart files but did not find any.
Here are 4 screenshots that shows a list of all TeeChart bpls that exists on this PC.
A binary compare of the same named 32Bit bpls showed they are identical.

The PC is a Virtual machine running on Oracles Virtual Box.
I did a fresh Installation of Windows7/32, Delphi XE4 and TeeChart9.

This is the errror message I receive :
[dcc32 Fataler Fehler] CircledTest.pas(8): F2051 Unit VCLTee.TeePolar wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von VCLTee.Series.TCircledSeries compiliert

It is a new VCL Project with just one Tchart and one Polar Series.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:15 pm
by yeray
Hello Gerhard,
gsachs wrote:While trying tp provide a demo Project I ran in the ever lasting error "Teexxx was compiled with with a different Version of Teeyyy".
I can compile a whole Project with new Delphi/TeeChart comtaining the exact same chart without having this Problem, but as soon as I create a new project and copy the previously working Chart I get this error.
When you say you copy the chart, are you copy/pasting it? Please, try to create a new simple project and add a new TChart from the toolbox to the form. Does it build&run?
Then, if it works, add the code I posted above. Does it still work? Is the polar circled?
gsachs wrote:The TeeChart Version is V2013.08.130521 32Bit VCL, I already notified you about that number in my first Problem Report.
I'm sorry, I didn't see I had to look for it in the images.
TeeChart Pro v2012.07 XE3 -> circle
TeeChart Pro v2013.08 XE4 -> oval
gsachs wrote:This is the errror message I receive :
[dcc32 Fataler Fehler] CircledTest.pas(8): F2051 Unit VCLTee.TeePolar wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Version von VCLTee.Series.TCircledSeries compiliert
Thanks for the screenshots. In the list of packages ("Packages installieren") I see you have some 3rd party tools installed, but these packages shouldn't be interfering with TeeChart if you can select TeeChart packages in the list.
However, I'd suggest you to check the paths and make sure the TeeChart references are correct and they are on the top of the lists. See this post for more details: ... 025#p62025

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:42 am
by 16565449
Hello Yeray,

TeeChart is now running after I did a complete reinstallation.
I still dont understand the reason for the Problem since it was a fresh Installation of both XE4 and TeeChart.
Anyway, it works and I can go back to the Initial Problem.

I attached a small demo Project that shows the oval/round Problem.
When the exe is run in a Virtual machine (Oracle virtual box) the circle is drawn oval.
Running the same exe on the same hardware, but directly in Windows7 shows a round circle.
As you can see, the rectangle is always drawn as rectangle, so it is not just an aspect Ratio Problem.
What is the difference between drawing a circle and a rectangle ?

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:58 pm
by 16565449
Hello Yeray,
this is the answer of Oracles VirtualBox Forum :
-> If you can demonstrate that any other software has a similar problem, I might believe that the common factor is VirtualBox. Before that - not.

-> Even in the examples you post it's clear that the text is not transformed in the same way, nor the box with the "1 " inside it, nor the square at the center of the circle/ellipse... so what kind of bug would do that?
There must be a problem in the Virtualbox displaydriver.
Since a rectangle is drawn correctly, it must have to do with the way TeeChart is drawing circles.
Please give me some more information about that.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:25 pm
by yeray
Hello Gerrard,

This is what I get in a Windows 7 x64 in a Virtual Box with your application built in a Win8 x64:
test.png (178.57 KiB) Viewed 15873 times
It looks fine for me here.

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:38 pm
by 16565449
Here is a screenshot from my Desktop pc.
Both Virtal Box and VMWare Desktop is running there.
The TeeChart exe is running on the host and both VMs at the same time.
Left is the host, middle VMWare and right virtual box.
The Image should be self explanatory.

Currently I stopped working with Virtual Box.
If VMWare is working as expected, I will move to it and everything is fine.
Otherwise I will drop all VMs and kick out everybody that wants to tell me that Virtual machines are a proven solution.

Gerhard Sachs

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 11:53 am
by yeray
Hello Gerhard,

I can't explain why we obtain different results running the same application in similar virtual machines in Virtual Box.
I'm running VB 4.3.6. Is it the same than you?
If so, maybe there's some other difference we have missed. Could you please send us both the sources and the exe you get so we can check the same exe here?
If you have problems sending an exe, or an exe in a zip, you can post your files at our upload page.

Re: Polar Chart turns from round to oval

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:22 pm
by narcis
Hello Gerhard,

For the sake of completeness, a workaround to the issue is being discussed here as well.