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Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:15 pm
by 16568291

TLinearGauge has a private internal field IMaxValue.
This field gets set only in two places:
The constructor initializes IMaxValue with 100 and also sets the Value property to Random(100).
The SetValue method sets IMaxValue to the new value if that value is greater than the current IMaxValue value.

I don't really understand this, since the Value of IMaxValue is used to display the highest value the gauge ever had, so I would have expected that:
* IMaxValue is initialized to 0
* Value is initialized to 0
* There is a method for resetting IMaxValue to 0

As it is that component is pretty much useless.

Am I missing something?
(This is TeeChart 2003 I am talking about, but I has been like that for ages.)


Re: TLinearGauge.Maximum

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:12 pm
by yeray

I've added it to the bug tracker system.

You can add your mail to the CC list to receive a mail when an update arrives.