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Problem with Marks Items[0] in TPointSeries (2013)

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:24 pm
by 10051462
Hi all,
I have just updated from TeeChart 2012 to TeeChart 2013 and the upgrade seems to not be so soft that it might be.

I have a problem with a piece of code where I want to change only the first series marks (Items[0]) font color and background.
In 2012 my code was this

Series1.Marks.Item[0].Color := clBlack;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Frame.Visible := False;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Font.color := clBlue;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Font.Size := 12;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Font.Pitch := fpFixed;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Font.Name := 'Tahoma';
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Font.Style := [fsBold];
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Shadow.Visible := False;
Series1.Marks.Item[0].Visible := True;

And works.
But in 2013 it color all the frame of clBlack and doesn't show any text.
The other items (untouched) are showed correctly.
What can it be?

The series is a TPointSeries

Re: Problem with Marks Items[0] in TPointSeries (2013)

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:34 pm
by yeray

I've added it to the bug tracking system:

Note you can follow the status or add new tickets directly there.