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Compile error using TeeChart 2012

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:25 am
by 16462824
I recompiled a project in c++ 2010 that was originally built with 2011 teechart components. After loading TeeChart 2012 I am getting the following error:

[BCC32 Error] TeeTools.hpp(832): E2303 Type name expected
Full parser context
DCR.cpp(6): #include ChartRecorder.h
ChartRecorder.h(9): #include C:\Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012 for Delphi 2010\Delphi14\Include\TeeTools.hpp
TeeTools.hpp(36): namespace Teetools
TeeTools.hpp(822): class TTeeShapePosition

in TeeTools.hpp the offending line is:

class DELPHICLASS TTeeShapePosition;
class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TTeeShapePosition : public Chart::TTeeCustomShapePosition
typedef Chart::TTeeCustomShapePosition inherited;

__property Bevel = {default=0};
__property BevelWidth = {default=2};
__property Brush;
__property Color = {default=16777215};
__property CustomPosition;
__property Emboss; <--------------------------------------------Right Here
__property Font;
__property Frame;
__property Gradient;
__property Left;
__property Picture;
__property Shadow;
__property ShapeStyle = {default=0};
__property Top;
__property Transparency = {default=0};
__property Transparent;
__property Visible = {default=1};
/* TTeeCustomShape.Create */ inline __fastcall virtual TTeeShapePosition(Teeprocs::TCustomTeePanel* AOwner)/* overload */ : Chart::TTeeCustomShapePosition(AOwner) { }
/* TTeeCustomShape.Destroy */ inline __fastcall virtual ~TTeeShapePosition(void) { }


Does anyone have any ideas?

Re: Compile error using TeeChart 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:23 pm
by yeray

Can you reproduce the problem with new simple project?
If not, please check the library and include paths in the IDE, and also edit the old project files manually (with notepad or similar) and correct any wrong reference the old TeeChart installation.

Re: Compile error using TeeChart 2012

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:31 pm
by 16462824
I found this to be an installation issue with 12.7 date Nov 6, 2012. I kept getting a message to reinstall and/or recompile.
12.6 an earlier version works fine.

Re: Compile error using TeeChart 2012

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:38 am
by yeray

We'd be pleased to take a look at it if you can arrange a simple example project we can run as-is to reproduce the problem here.

Thanks in advance.