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Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:32 am
by 16561379
I recently updated the RAD Studio XE2 to update 4 (I thought that it was only a few files that fixes some bugs, but it was a complete new installation of the RAD Studio !!, INCLUDING the TeeChart standard which then was removed from the component list)
But now my TQRTeechart (Quickreport) no longer works.
In this newsgroup I saw that TeeChart 2011 doesn't support Update 4
I have also now downloaded TeeChart 2012 as a registered customer.
But before I just doubleclick on my downloaded TeeChart2012 executable, I would like to ask what must be done before (I have bad experince in making things in wrong direction so I'm unable to roll back)
- Shall I uninstall TeeChart2011 before installing 2012?
- Or shall I just remove the components from the component list?
- Shall Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 be open or closed?
- Does the new TeeCompiler contain proper components to install the QuickReport TQRChart without problem? (last time I really had a nightmare in installing this)
- What is the TeeChart number 2012 (TeeChart 2011 was number 9, I remember)

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:18 pm
by yeray
Hi Anders,
Anders wrote:- Shall I uninstall TeeChart2011 before installing 2012?
Yes, it's recommended. Or you can simply run TeeInstall.exe utility to uninstall the component from the IDE and still maintain the installation folders (Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2011...), then you will be able to install the new version in a new path (ie. Program Files\Steema Software\TeeChart 2012...) being able to change from one to the other just running the according TeeInstall utilities on them.
Anders wrote:- Or shall I just remove the components from the component list?
This is the manual way. You can always do it this way, of course.
Anders wrote:- Shall Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 be open or closed?
Closed if you run any automatic way (installer, uninstaller or TeeInstall), and obviously open to do it manually.
Anders wrote:- Does the new TeeCompiler contain proper components to install the QuickReport TQRChart without problem? (last time I really had a nightmare in installing this)
I guess you mean TeeRecompile. It always tries to build and install TQRChart components for you, but it can fail and then you should do it manually following the instructions in the QuickReport article here or looking/asking into these forums for precompiled packages matching your environment.
Anders wrote:- What is the TeeChart number 2012 (TeeChart 2011 was number 9, I remember)
The internal number 9 is maintained.

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:31 pm
by 16561379
Hello gain
I remember last time I hade the problem, I searched my harddisk for files
But I didn't find it

(D16 for Delphi XE2)

Why isn' it there

TeeRecompile didn't - AGAIN - install the quickreport component.

PLEASE avoid offering the same nightmare I had during my first install I had 2 months ago (the solution was there when I got the final compiled .BPL file)
Just because I upgraded my XE2 from update 3 to update 4 (i'll never make further updates due to troubles with TeeChart)


Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 12:33 pm
by 16561379
Dear Steema

Will anybody help me with the Quickreport issue


Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:03 pm
by yeray
Hi Anders,

I've taken the sources from here (that are actually the same than you can find here) and recompiled them with XE2 Update 4. Don't hesitate to let us know if you find any problem with them.

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:34 pm
by 16561379
Thank you for the support
What I did was:
Unzipped the downloaded file
Replaced all the compiled files in the appropriate folders.
Added the component "DclTee9Qr5D16.bpl" to the "Install package list"
Apparently, it worked.
A new component was added to the QuickReport palette "TQRChart"
I tried to
Create a new Winform application
- OK
Add a TChart from the TeeChart palette
- OK
Compile it and run it
- OK
Create a new form on this test project
- OK
Drop a QuickReport on the form
- OK
Drop a TQRChart on this report
- Her I saw something strange: the TQRChart was upon creation colored as if it was directly on a form. Normally I see a White TQRChart and not a "clBtnFace" colored TChart
Try to compile it
- It failed with following errormessage:
[DCC Fatal Error] Unit3.pas(8): F2051 Unit QrTee was compiled with a different version of VCLTee.DBChart.TCustomDBChart

Any suggestions?

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:53 am
by narcis
Hi Anders,
[DCC Fatal Error] Unit3.pas(8): F2051 Unit QrTee was compiled with a different version of VCLTee.DBChart.TCustomDBChart

Any suggestions?
Yes, this seems to be package version conflict in the IDE, for example: ... ion#p40490 ... ion#p41777 ... ion#p44657

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:37 pm
by 16561379
Dear Steema

I have now tried almost everything i'm recommended to.
And I still not have installed my TeeChart - incl Quickreport - properly.

And now I also uninstalled the TeeChart. And I can't reinstall it. Using TeeRecompile gives me following error:
TeeChart Pro
Compilation started: 4/26/2012 7:20:40 PM

RAD XE2.Win32 v16 (RAD XE v9 Professional)
Text: unit QRTee not found in QRTee.pas

I have tried to read carefully the instruction you are referring to, I presume that it need to be updated.

To me it's a nightmare.
Aren't there anybody who will assist me - maybe over teamviewer - to make my installation on my Delphi XE2 (it's ok if it costs something).


Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:30 am
by yeray
Hi Anders,

I've just sent you a mail to the mail account you have registered in this forum with further instructions.

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:21 pm
by 16461936
I am in the same boat. I have been trying for 2 days to get the TQRChart component installed. I am using C++ Builder XE2 with update 4 and the latest version, QuickReport 5.05.1. I have I downloaded the pre compiled files for builder you have linked on this site. My installation does not appear to have the source files for C++ in order to compile my own. QuickRep and TChart components work fine on a test app.
When I try to install the package DclTee9QR5C16.bpl , I am now getting the following error:

Cannot load package "Tee9160' It contains unit 'VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus' which is also contained in package 'Tee916'

Any help will surely be appreciated.


Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:14 am
by yeray
ut_dev wrote:Cannot load package "Tee9160' It contains unit 'VCLTee.TeeGDIPlus' which is also contained in package 'Tee916'
This means Tee9160 is still trying to be loaded. The TeeChart packages ended with zero (Tee*0) are the Standard packages that come with the IDE.
- The packages to integrate TeeChart Standard in QuickReport 5 are here
- If you have TeeChart Pro installed, please check the packages list in your IDE, unselect TeeChart Standard from the list and select TeeChart Pro.

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:28 pm
by 16461936
Hi Yeray,
Thanks for the reply.

I do have the TeeChart 2012 PRO version. Where can I find the packages to integrate TeeChart Pro with QuickReport 5.05 for C++ Builder XE2 update 4.

I did try the packages you linked for Standard because that was all I could find on both the public and registered users sites.


Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:18 pm
by yeray

Have you tried to download the sources named "TeeChart Standard 2011 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE2" from here. You only should substitute the references to the Standard packages for the Pro packages, rebuild them and place them to the according places.
For more detailed instructions, please follow the instructions in the QuickReport article here.
If you still find problems with it, don't hesitate to let us know.

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:38 pm
by 16461936
I guess I don't understand what I have to modify from Standard to make it work with Pro?

Re: Guideline in intallation on XE2

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:10 pm
by 16461936
I am able to get the runtime to build but not the design time using the files for "TeeChart Standard 2011 for QuickReport 5 in C++Builder XE2"

I get the following error.

[DCC Fatal Error] F1026 File not found: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\lib\win32\release\designide.dcp'

The file does exist at:

C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0\lib\win32\release

I have included the path to the file in the project options, but I still get this error.

Any idea?
